Friday, October 24, 2008

Nine Types of Intelligence

Nine Types of Intelligence

1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
2. Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”)
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)
4. Existential IntelligenceSensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”)
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
7. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
8. Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”)
9. Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)

Someone said the above from the site under "comments'.

It is no secret that our MM Lee encourages graduates to marry only graduates so they have smart kids. It is something he strongly believes.

However, i dont believe. My parents are not graduates but my sister is. My friend's parents are not graduates but his brother and sister is. So, to me, MM Lee's view is quite narrow.

Been following the minibond saga (tankinlian.blogspot) and theonlinecitizen sites lately. One will find our Government is not 1st class when handling crisses despite having 1st class salary. Their salary is 8x above the international benmark but it it grossly overpaid for their measly leadership. Read more about theonlinecitizen site and you will know what i mean.

Being a Singaporean is like a mute. We are always afraid to say something against the Government. Sigh,,,i must plan to migrate liao...

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