Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ray of LIght!! (^__^)/

Just received this email from one of my Japanese friend, who also applied for the X-Japan tickets. She proceed to applied for me at hide and pata's site. She's definately made my day!!~

Even if didnt win the tickets, it is her kind thoughts that i am very appreciative!~ I hope she can find 3/28 tickets coz no point going for only the 3/20 show.

Good morning beehar!

I could get the tickets But unfortunately, only 2 peices on Mar.30.
about Mar,28 we could'nt any more. and I'm very sorry to get tichets for you now.
BUT!!! we ordered another way to get tickets from other member's homepage
priority order. through hide and pata's member site homepage.
that result announcement is tomorrow noon!
So, if we can get, we can transfer them all for you.
I'll tell you the result announcement!
I am wishing to be elected very much.


corn said...


X-Japan tickets!!

*prays for u TOO!*

Unknown said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry you didn't get the tickets...I really hope you get the other ones that you bidded for!! *crosses fingers*

- SY

Saga-hime said...

i hope you get the additional tickets!

& yes, good friends know how to cheer you up!

it is always good to have ppl who care.
