Thursday, February 28, 2008
i smsed her
Me: How's ur visa going?
LP: The agent say Monday then go and make
Me: Ok (cant be bothered to reply more)
Wonder why she didnt bother to update me about this asap? Ive told her yday im waiting urgently for her reply regarding her visa coz the guesthouse left only 1 single room and 1 double room and i need to book it urgently. She did nothing.
Anyway, ive go ahead an book the double room now. Just in case no more room. The place allows to make ammendments after we book. So, it is better to be kiasu rite?
This is the place:
It is near Ikebukuro. It is not too ex and the rooms are spacious and have a nice neighbourhood too.
Other places ive booked last week are (well, ive booked for 2 person..if she cant go,,,i have to cancel everything and re-book again).
Osaka (near or in Osaka Castle?). So classic old style living
Toyama (when we go for Gaze concert). Got natural Onsen in the hotel and have free shuttle bus to Toyama station.
She is sooo jia lat,,seriously lacked of initiative and sense of urgency. Took everything for granted..from the uncle to me.....
Read this from the Richard Branson book last nite:
"If you opt for a safe life, you will never know what it's like to win"
Mei mei gaze fans
(Ring Ring) Mei mei: Hey, ive received the Heresy FC card and stuffs
Me: Good!
Mei mei: But got 2 forms, do i need to fill it up?
Me: dun need coz you are not going to their events etc. The form is just FYI. If you are taking part, den fill up,,if not, dun need. You may want to get a file to put all these newsletters.
Mei mei: oic,,,, ok.
Mei meis are sooo cute..kekek. They have pure and simple minds :) Innocent yet not offensive.
The poetic bee just replied our email and asked "always forget to ask you, can i call you?" ..oh well,,,err,,,dunno want to call us for wat? To say more poetic stuffs? I scared she preaches,,lolz.... amusing customers we have,,XD
SY, you are right, scully my fren so "busy" with all the air tix and visas and in the end, cannot go..if she can go, she will still go for the concerts. She wants to kan kan wat is japanese concert.
Havent heard from her yet,,it is 11am now...dunno if she went to the embassy with that uncle or that uncle went alone? She is absurdly over independent on other people. If the uncle bluf her,,she also wun realised a thing. Over simple minded and perhaps, lived in her own world for the past 28years.
Christine, i believe when u r 28, you are going to be far more independent... Glad your lodgings for your summer events are already booked. Ours in end of next month and are barely completed.... You are right, must book early,,else there will be no room or the prices will go up..Sadly, my friend dont know all these,,she could barely settle simple things like air ticket,,,let alone hotels etc.. (Sorry that you are shocked she is 28).
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I admire this girl
- Very well said. I admire you. If you can excel overseas (like our Stefanie Sun), it is definately worth the effort. If not, it is another learning experience for you. Nothing to loose. If stay in Singapore, definately lost alot of opportunites. Overseas are better for exploration of creative stuffs.
My mother is against me going to Japan for 1 month. Last nite she mumbles,,,"you can tahan japan's food meh? it is soo expensive also. Can go for 2 weeks wat,,why 1 mth?"
Me:Can lah,,got one thing call hamburgers wat. They have it there..
Mum: ... ... ..... (silent)
Met an online friend from China after didnt go yahoo messenger for donkey went online last nite and saw him. His name is JB and now is residing in New Zealand. His gf is graduating end of March and they will be still for another 2-3years. After that, they will migrate to LA. His mother owns a plantation and now, they do only export biz. He is 30
Chinese are ambitous and you gotta take your hats off them. JB is one of them. When i know him 3yrs ago, he is a worker for anohter company. Now, he is running his family biz and his mum runs the plantation. He controls all the admin work from New Zealand.
Ive read articles that Chinese workers flies to other provinces over the weekend just to do interviews for big or international companies. They are always hungry and looking for more advancements.
I seldom see ppl here with such drive (maybe they are not around me?)... only one.. she was a friend's friend who workedi n the finance sector. She went to Japan for 5 years and draws a bing time salary. Now she is in HK after completing her Japan contract. More pay and lower standard of living She just bought a condo this January, which is her dream. She worked very hard for this dream.
People always expect to receive before they put in the effort. The Universe doesnt work this way. It is like a cake making theory,,,you have to mix all the flours, eggs and sugar (your efforts) and bake it before you you can eat the cake. Not waiting for the cake but didnt put anything into the mixer...
Just got this sudden tot ..i wonder if i can make US$1 million within the next 5 years? if yes, i will be a millionaire before 40. i will donate 10%, and the rest, will buy properties (to rent out) and open a chain of jrock shops worldwide (esp Germany and UK). Hmm,, I must call my millionaire friend to ask if he needs any aprehentice?!
getting philosophy again.
Oh yes, Christine, the girl's poetic note is like some church phrase,,tats wat i tot when i first read it,,lolz.
incompetence to idiocy? So chim
- wow,,cool description SY (im happy for you tat you bought the 2 X bandscores,,your cosmic power is in the works,,lolz)!~
My friend said yesterday "the uncle said if my bank account got 5k can apply the visa but that is not true,,i also wonder if the uncle know how to apply for visa anot?"
Jia lat right?? Seems the uncle is as blur as her.
Today, she smsed me in the morning (must prepare for heart attack when receives her sms)
LP: I will ask the uncle to help me make visa..
Me: Ok, when is he helping you?
LP: Tomorrow morning
Me: Ok, pls faster confirm ur visa coz i found a guesthouse which left 1 single and 1 double room. So, i need to book asap,,if not, wait no room. Also, i will be buying my own air ticket.
LP: Ok...
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...she has been working on her visa thingy since Monday,,and tomorrow is already Friday but after one big round, still went back to the uncle. jia lat anot? Ive already told her she shld apply it herself, so in future she can use the same method to apply. She still prefer to ask ppl for help...super jia lat!!~ And to think she is 28 yo?!~ Haiz,,dunno wat to say...
I hope will get her reply by 12pm tml,,then i can go plan watever i want, esp the lodgings..
Christine, you are right,,i dont like to go on Japan tour. They bring you mostly to sight seeings only. Got a friend who went with a tour group and she didnt get to go to Harajuku. Can you imagine?? Harajuku is where the buzz of youth fashion is at!~ She said "there is no itinarary to Harajuku". Zzz zzzzzzzzzzzz She missed the action... It is like go to China but didnt visit the Great wall..
Free and easy is better,,despite always get lost here and there.. but that is the get to see the real japan,,,not touring of rivers or going to glass making factories,,,these are like for old folks,,
Poetic and Dramatic "Bee"
Hello, Thanks for your kindness. You are such a wonderful person that has such a big heart and can help lead our lives with a bright sunshines. May God bless you.
Today also have another happy customer...tat is vonnie,,Finally!!~ The Card she has been waiting for has arrived today.. the Heresy FC card!!~ It even comes with a "bonus" smoking smells on the papers...So amusing/amazing rite?? Cannot imagine the PS company staffs smokes while packing the stuffs at the same time. Didnt hear such feedbacks from A9 or Miyavi fans,,kekeke...(Vonnie, you special! the smell is "Limited Edition"...kan kai yi dian,,scully its from Ruki or Uruha leh?!)
Another customer smsed to informed she had transfered S$98 to me today. It was owned since early Jan ,,i think. Actually ive forgotten about it but she is honest to return it and said "sorry, i took soo long to return it to you". She collected her stuffs in Jan but not enough $ to pay full. So, she paid half and owned the other half which was returned today. Singapore Bees are very honest... ...From now on, will make sure all items are fully paid for before they collect their goods,,coz i am getting more forgetful.... if this bee didnt pay, i will really forget about it. But not "the Mother's" S$580..keke..her dateline is next Friday..perhaps only she will hope i forget.
Got a shock from Paypal when i convert the balance USD$ to SGD$ ---> 1.00 USD = 1.36 SGD
So jia heard from the news that US$ is at its new low against major currencies.. Now is the best time to shop in USA~ or US online sites/ebay.
My precious calculator "died" last nite coz my mum accidently dropped it on the floor..bought a new one today but no good to use leh,,,sigh..even tot to bring this calculator to Japan,,,to think it died before it can go on this trip. Will buy back the same brand too rush and in need of a calculator,,so anyhow buy one to use first.
LP didnt buy the air ticket from tat uncle coz upon me asking her to confirm again why his GV2 tickets can be sold separately..she said one thing that made me mad.
LP: the uncle say, he will follow us to the Narita airport too
Me: HUH?! Why he need to follow us??!~
LP: Coz he said we are following his tour.
Me: Pls lah,,why need to follow his tour?? I just buy my own tickets but not from him. I dont trust him. You may buy from him and i see you at the Narita airport. I dont want wait got problem, i cannot exit the Narita gates..i better play safe.
LP: Huh, then how?! You want to call him anot??
Me: Call him for wat?! You see, no wonder he needs to help you do the visa. He is using his tour group's itinerary to apply your visa. If you kena caught cheating by the Japan Embassy, you will be banned from going to Japan in future. He is teaching you to cheat the still want to buy the ticket from him?
LP: Yah lor,,,i also think something wrong with this uncle
Me: (pissed) You better call him and tell him your fren do for you everything liao, so you dont need his service anymore
LP: But where am i going to get my Flight Itinerary which is a must for the visa application?
Me: Pls lah,,can get from any agency. Later i call Hiromi's agency and the girl will email me the flight print it out and bring to the embassy tomorrow.
LP: Oh,,ok
Jia lat anot?! Knows something is amiss with the uncle and still intending to go to the embassy with him?! She even plans to pay him deposit on Monday too! Silly rite???
LP: Hey, my boss was at the embassy now, he said the visa application is not successful (i wonder why this time her boss go to the embassy?!!!)
Me: Why,,wat documents u dont have?
LP: My bank statement got no enough money,,must have %^*#%$& amount (forget wat amt), so must use my father one. And my father must be my sponser,,not my company
Me: Ok, go ask ur father to scan you all the documents and tomorrow, you bring to the embassy again
LP: Ok
Zzzzzzzzzz i really dunno wat is going on with her visa thingy,,,
LP: Hey, i just left the embassy now (she went to enquire herself), and saw this Guarantor letter. What is it huh? I have the sponser letter, so must fill up the Guarantor letter?
Me: I also dunno wat is it,,i never do visa before. Just fill it up lah and bring ALL the documents..
LP; But it is in Japanese, i can only read some
Me: Den fill up watever you know, tomorrow, when you go there, ask them for help to fill up the rest
LP: oh,,ok
Me: You sure can get the visa anot? If not, i need to make other arrangements liao (esp her concert tickets)
LP: Dunno leh,,my mother said so ma fan,,ask me not to go..but i want to go leh!
Scully my cosmic power comes true...Den i can happily sell away her concert tickets to other genuine X fan!!~ And go into the concert with him/her better!
Super buay tahan,,first, is the kuku air ticket + the uncle,,now ,is her visa....imagine if she screws up the air ticket and bought it from the uncle? Den, i will tell her "you are on your own, see you there" (pass her her concert tickets and the guesthouse address).
Christine,,are you feeling better now? I know what you mean by not helping to plan etc. I guess my friend's situation is different from yours. She is indifferent and assume all will be done for her. Just like her visa applications,,first the uncle offered to help her do,,then, her boss went to do it for her..only today, she went to the embassy herself to figure out (she still didnt figure out yet) what is going on. It is overly dependent on people. You aint like her coz you are independant and also, staying in a dorm by yourself~
SY, you are super cosmic!~ My flu is better now. Im stuffing myself with 2 grapefruits per day since the vitamin C intake drives away my flu.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Piercing Artist: HP
Had a great chat with HP. She has a longer hair now with both sides shaven (cool!~). HP, your hair is soo smooth and neat!~ It was a really happy moment, like a reunion!~~
Showed her a copy of neo genesis mag and she said someone brought an An Cafe member's pic (dunno what is the name of that member) for her to do the piercing. The customer wants exactly the same pierce as that member. The girl must be a super fan of this member. I think it might be Camy, coz she loves that member. It was great that HP knows X-Japan..lolz..but not gazette (it is ok, coz gaze is still quite new).
So, dudes and dudettes (lingo from a boy boy customer), if you would like to get piercings or tattoos (18 and above only),pls visit:
#04-22, the Heeren Shops
After tat, went to clark quay to meet vonnie and barbara..realised today;s malls are soo quiet. I feel sorry for the shop owners. Today is a Sat somemore!~~
The retail industry here is in such a pathetic state... ... ... everywhere sell the same thing (newbie T-shirt shop in "Harajuku"? keke Vonnie say one..i didnt realised leh.) It is unfortunate that ppl here are not adventurous to try out outrageous fashions. Whenever i told my frens that when the Japanese wears the most outrageous fashion, those passerbys dont even look at them. If here,,die liao,,,lolz...unlimited stares. Even the Taiwanese and Hongkongers dressed much better than us,,and yes, the upcoming Chinese (China) too.
Vonnie, thanks for your candy. It has such a pungent smell and is soo yummy!~ Opps, I forget to pass you the japanese maggi mee...i came home den saw tat it's still in my bag. Will pass it to u next time. Tml will list ur stuffs,,i going to bathe and sleep liao..
My flu is getting worst and i dont feel hungry at all...dunno why, maybe coz i cant smell a thing? I came home and found 3 slices of i ate all. Got vitamin C mah,,lolz.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Lost mails
Received a mail from a local boy today. He asked "im a big fan of vkei. do u have any a9 or gaze tees? I am interested to purchase. If yes, can u gimme a nice prices?" (tot to reply "sorry, their tees have Ugly prices"). Singaporeans love to ask such qns. Another gal once asked " do you have this gaze muffler? if yes, i am willing to pay up to S$60 for it". Aiyoh,,S$60 is not even enuff to buy the item itself.. they are newbies.... but the most funny mail is from a Singaporean (she is not even a customer) " hey, where did get all ur stuffs? I went to Japan but i couldnt find any." Replied "We got it from all over Japan". Only Singaporean will ask such kuku questions.
LP finally does her homework last night. She went to Chinatown to source for the air tickets with her sister. She found one agency selling for only S$800 (so cheap!), inclusive of tax n fuel surcharge too. She told them she need to make visa but the uncle (the ticketing agent) said "we dont make visas for customers, they have to make it themselves at respective embassies BUT for you special, i will bring you there to make. This service is for you only". Guess what, she is very happy that the uncle will bring her to make the visa!~ I was like HUH?! Cant she go make it herself? She scared kena lost in Singapore or wat?! Then i told her "scully the uncle charge u for his service?". She said "no, it is free. The uncle said for me only". Wonder if she is naive or wat?
In her mind, she is more than happy that someone is always there for her to lean matter who these people are. If for me, i would be skeptical of the uncle's motive. Think she will go with the uncle to apply the visa on Monday. I didnt ask her if she is going with him. If she said yes, i will be pissed. Afterall, it is her choice.
LP: the uncle asked us to pay S$300 deposit if we want to purchase the air ticket. After that, when the ticket is ready, we pay the rest when we collect. AND i cannot buy the ticket now coz not sure if my visa will be approved. It takes 3 days to approve, so Monday i am going to apply"
Me: Ok, tell the uncle there is no need to pay for the deposit. We will pay full when we collect the tickets. Coz if your visa is not approved, then we have to waste time to go to Chinatown to take back the deposit. Also, when your visa is approved and his air tickets are sold out, we just go to other agencies to buy. Why the hassle of deposit?
LP: Oh, yah hor.
Me: Tell the uncle if he cant reserve the tickets, it is ok. After your visa is approved, we can always buy it elsewhere. Den you see if he really want ur biz.
LP: Oh,,ok. The uncle also say, when we go there, we might kena interview by the customs. They may think we are illegal immigrants. He said we must have our hotel documents and concert tickets to prove we are there for a holiday.
Me: Pls lah, we have a valid passport and we are Asians (not the highly suspected group). Their interview is random lah..if kena also like tat. Just answer their questions only wat. Why so scared?? So far my 3 times also never kena any interviews. I even passed their custom carrying food which is not allowed. Also, pls tell the uncle to make sure his air ticket is valid (coz it is unusually cheap. Think it is because it expires in June), if not, we will come back and ask for full refund).
Both of them sounds soooo sua ku rite? Super Buay tahan. I wonder why LP didnt realised that such interviews are random? I mean, she travel to CHina and HK before..arent it the same system? When the uncle told her the interview, she panics.
Btw, just remembered that Japan now uses auto custom clearance. It is a self service machine and after the process is cleared, the gates will open for exit. LP will sure die of panic and say "you help me leh,,i dunno how to do". Zzzzz zzz. I also dunno what, just read the instructions and follow lah! Everything also sooo scare..buay tahan. Even applying for her visa in Singapore also scared. Darn Jia lat siar!~
Oh yes, will tell her to ask the uncle how to use the automatic custom clearace booth at the japan custom..lolz..since she is so kia si..XD
If only i could tell her "if so scared to kena the interview, then pls dont go". If more bad, will say "Singaporeans seldom get such interviews, not sure about Malaysians though" ( i am bad again)
She said the uncle will call her today (dunno for wat) and she will tell him about the deposit. I told her if confirm have tickets, after her visa is approved, we go and buy together.
She belongs to the type that must follow instructions. If no instructions, she will be lost....Like that, very diff to have a mind of her own coz everytime only looking for instructions. If without, she will be handicap. So scary to have such mindset.
SY, dont be pek chek after you read this post. If not, wait you have noisy dreams again. =)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
yahoo mail down?!
Also, today realised that the "search" function at yahoo mail can only search for Today's mail. It can no longer search past emails unless using the "Search Mail" function. It is soooo unfriendly coz i can no longer find local customer's address if they opt for postage service. Hope it is a temporary glitch too!~ If not, it is really a big headache...
Vonnie, you can take a pic of all the barangs you would like to sell. Then will list it for you. I scared to buy such harajuku goods,,XD. Maybe will buy when im there ba..more range mah..scully the Europeans like?~
Paypal ok de lah,,except if you kena like "the Mother" type of customer, then you will be in deep far,,only one case in 2 years. But it is soo headache liao!~~
If move there,,very good coz can go Like An Edison to pre-order those cds,,then grab all the goodies!! Gaze fans sure goo ga-ga..~~ Maki wants my fren to go harajuku to steal those posters..hahaha.
Yah, need to come back every 3 mths to chop passport coz visa expires. I got a friend who has a company there,,so maybe can ask him to help me apply working visa (1 year) using his company's name. But of coz,,i do my own biz lah..kekeke. He "sponsor" me oni..(give him tips!~). Like tat so shiok rite? Imagine every month, the schedule is full with concerts (tour goods) and chiong jrock and 2nd hand music shops. Then my J friend, as usual, just do all the orderings online (since i dont have Japanese credit card and i cant read much Japanese) and ship it to me (Osaka --> Tokyo).
Japan's postage service got English page
So, can check postage online. It is like our Singpost site. Oh, must remember to bring my mini digital weighing scale...and also marker, pen knife and other tools. I dont want to waste my time seaching those stationaries.
Today after i finished blogging, went offline and another biz tot came to my mind. I can also do wholesale worldwide if i station in Tokyo..XD (my mind is working now), esp for tour goods..hehehe. Then, i go find 1 distributor in Germany and Spore (Vonnie). Like that, the Europeans can save on shipping if all shipped in bulk to one place..err, but den,,the parcels will be very heavy.
My J friend rides bicycle with the parcel on it to the post office..i wonder if i can. I scare to ride bicycles on their pedestrian lanes. Ive tried it before and it was a nightmare coz the lanes are crowded. Imagine if i fall off the bicycle along with my parcel,,,omg...i am clumsy.
Vonnie, tat's an extraordinary and special job for you. So, all Singaporean's barangs will ship to you,den u do meet up with them and earn some bucks..keke..sounds good rite? Majority of the locals are ok de, except for a few super late commers..XD
Talk so much about this,,as if really going there to station...not sure if this trial will be successful...hmm.
Wow SY, you've got good knowledge about many scientists finds. It is interesting to know that no dream means dead.
My eyes are too tired to continue typing the chapter header from the Richard Branson's book. Got slight flu now..and my dogie is hungry too,,she is waiting for me to go offline~ tml must eat alot of oranges and guava,,i need vitamin C...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
She dun care
For my friend, she is Shen Zai Fu Zhong Bu Zhi Fu....perhaps this is the chinese saying for Sha Ren You Sha Fu. All the Fu she is enjoying now..X concerts, Gazette concert (we are going for the 4/1 Toyama) and worry free Japan trip.
Read about yr fren also, I understand yr situation. Very pek chek one hor?Is scared later right, when u all there le, she starts to complain and nag…But one point I am so fuming about is…WHY watch X japan concert TO KAI YAN JIE??
- I hope when we are there, she dont start to complain, nag or ask anything coz i will tell her "i dunno, what do you think or do you know how to go this place"? Cant tahan tat really EVERYTHING must wait for me leh!~i know first time go lah,,but pls,,,have initiative, at least be responsible for your own itinary!~
The Toyama venue super ulu,,,but my J friend had found night bus tat goes there for Y4000 - 6hrs trip. So, we will be taking this. There are bamboo forest maybe stay there for 3 days? See how lah..
Heng LP is going back on the 12th April. 13th April i will go to Osaka for the gaze grand finale and shun bian buy the grand finale goods ba. if the response is good, i will pop by the yoyogi (?!) venue on 4/19 and 4/20 to buy the goods also.
can I really go over japan to do business? Join u la …hehe…But if we were to go abroad and do business, also not easy de lor…need A LOT of funds…
-of coz can do biz in japan since it is online biz, not a physical shop (no money for rentals). Moreover, for this biz, it is sell to international customers, not the Japanese (unless u r talking about your mee siam biz?).
If you come over, u will be incharge of Shopping Service..lolz..i dont have much interest of finding shops and buying things for customers. Got 2 lolita bees always bugs for Shopping service. But too bad, my J friend also dont like to go town to buy things. She prefers to buy things online n have it delivered to them. In addition, she is not fond of lolita stuffs,,ahahaha. Only Jrock stuffs. Must ask her to bring me to Like An Edison in Osaka..she sure know where is this shop. XD
For funds, you need only your start up capital, that;s all. For incoming funds, it is from the customer. After the customer pays by paypal, you transfer the $ out to your posb bank. From there, you can use your posb card to withdraw $$ at specific Japanese atm machine. And repeat this cycle again.
But first must find out which atms can accept our atm cards. (must ask tat A9 girl who was there for 1 month in Jan. She does all these by posb. Think she sells A9 tour goods at LJ)
I will test drive this system when im there. If it is workable, then i can explore staying there for longer term. Will bring my laptop and camera too and post the stuffs like usual, except the location is different. Fun isnt it? I just have to be daring to try, if not how to know if it is workable? I am 80% confident it will work out. And the best thing is, i dont need to stock up mags. I just buy 1 copy and post. If ppl want to order, then i go bookshop buy,,hahhaa. I can sell cheaper too.
SY, ok, see u on Sat ^^ Noted about the biscuits. =)
You are a creative person, tat's why you dream alot. Sometimes, when im stress, i dream alot and it disturbs my sleep. I'll be like a walking zombie. Ive got a friend who never had dreams. I cant believe it. She said it is true,,not bluffing me. I wonder why she dont have is weird.
Yday went library to borrow those Tokyo and Kyoto guide books. Also got a book by Richard Branson (the creative Virgin Group Founder) titled "Screw It, Let's Do It". This title reflects wat im trying to do during my trip,,haha.
Here are the headers for the book. All are soo motivating. That's exactly what i need now! Motivation!
Chapter 1's Header:
Believe It Can Be Done
Have Goals
Live Life to The Full
Never Give Up
Prepare Well
Have Faith in Yourself
Help Each Other
Chapter 2's Header:
Have Fun, Work Hard and Money Will Come
Don't Waste Time - Grab Your Chances
Have a Positive Outlook on Life
When it's Not Fun, Move On
Chapter 3's Header:
Calculate the Risks and Take Them
Believe in Yourself
Chase Your Dreams and Goals
Have No Regrets
Be Bold
Keep Your Word
Chapter 4's Header:
Aim High
Try New Things
Always Try
Challenge Yourself
Chapter 5's Header:
Rely on Yourself
Chase Your Dreams But Live in the Real World
Work Together
Chapter 6's Header:
Love Life and LIve It To The Full
Enjoy the Moment
Reflect on Your Life
Make Every Second Count
Dont Have Regrets
So motivating rite? I think Singapore does provides a good environment for us to try out diff things. It is just tat we are still at old mindset of doing things..Will soak up more of the Japanese creative ways of doing things when im,,nothing to soak..oni negativities and doubts from ppl. Young people must beware of Dream Snatchers!~
Still got 3 chapters of headers,,now no time to type,,will continue it soon~~
SY, ur dream was so accurate!~
Dont be pek chek...not worth it lah!
Dunno wat to say to my friend LP oso..the more i talk to her, the more i felt fed up. Luckily there is such a thing in the world called sms.
Maybe you can tell her explicitly that you want to travel on your own and meet your friends? Or you can ask her what on earth she is planning to do after the concert, since you are not going with her?
- She is still sticking to me except on the 3/29 and 4 days of her own (which ive asked her to plan. If scully she didnt plan, she will stick with me again). Means out of her 15days, 10days are with me... Luckily i'll be there for 2 more weeks. Glad she goes back early...
Well, i can think of only one thing she can do for me. --->help me queue and carry those tour goods *evil again*. It is like my "service charge" for planning her trip..lolz..
SY, for your sis's biscuits. the tour guide fren came back today and she informed the prices for the biscults were purposely jacked up till very high,,so she didnt get any. I can help ur sis buy at the airport when im coming back,,but can ur sis wait till end of april? If not, i can give her the refund.
Also, the pistol earring. Last Sat forget to bring it along when you are collecting the diru's dvd. This sat r u able to meet me? Same time and place. Was the diru's dvd awesome?!
Today my J friend said their bamboo forests are in Toyama..not Osaka..It is northern part of Japan. Osaka is Southern part. Haiz,,think of the schedule, i headache. Must fit LP in... now i begin to fear that when we are there, she will just say ok to everything. Well, i need her initiatives rather than agreeing with me on everything.
How to tell her this nicely?! Any suggestions are welcome.
Or i shld be more direct. Perhaps tell her "can u pls plan your schedule and lemme see before xxx date?" Like that, she wont say she didnt plan.
Sleeping time...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My "sleeping partner" friend Zzzzzz
LP: Ok, Friday we go book and make my visa.
(OMG...isnt it agreed she shld do her homework too?! She think she dont need to do her homework anymore coz ive already checked it..)
Me: can you pls check somemore prices before we decide where to buy?
LP: my friend say go chinatown and check, coz can compare prices on the spot.
Me: Fri i cant make it coz i got shipment. Or you go to check on Friday, bring your passport along. If any agency quotes you less than S$975, you can book the ticket and do your visa on the spot. I can go to there on Monday to buy the ticket. Also, pls check the Yen rates when you are at Chinatown, they sometimes have better rates. You will need to monitor Yen rates from now so when you ask, you know if the money changer is overcharging you"
LP: This Sat u want to meet me? (Think she meant to change Yen together. See, she dont know hw to monitor the rates and hope i bring her to change yen on Sat"
Me: Cant meet this Sat coz im meeting my ex-colleagues. No hurry to change Yen. Just ask ask only since you are at that area.
LP: ok
Me: For the trip to Osaka, i am going to nature places and not shopping. Do you want to plan your own trip in Osaka? (Really need to buck up and plan herself)
LP: I am ok, go there relax
(Zzzzz everything shui bian again..sianz)
Super Jia lat rite??
It is like, either she follow the wrong person(me) or i asked the wrong person (her) to go with me
SY, you are right, she is not enthu at all. She just want to follow and tats it.. Somemore, 1st time going Japan, shld make her own trip more fun by planning her itinery rite? She is doing neither. All she does is waiting for me..buay tahan siar!~
Go drink green tea liao!~ To Cool myself down!~
Xuan, dun be angry lah
i was very pissed when she replied my sms saying "no thanks, i would prefer to go shopping". Insult X-Japan!~ She do not understand at all that so many fans are dying for the tickets!~
Seriously, dont think she know what shows she is watching too. I mean 3/28 (Fri) and 3/30 (Sun) she is watching the concert. So, the interval (Sat), she will missed it. What if the concert is in a continual sequence? Like the 2000 LS final act, it is sequeal of Part 1 and 2. Well, it wont bother her.
If i ask her now which X shows she is watching, dont think she is able to answer me. She said last time "i go Japanese concerts only to kai kai yan jie".
She wants to go to any one of the Gazette's concert. So, as usual, i will have to make all the planning.
This afternoon, she called me after i informed her tat ive emailed her her trip's schedule (blank slots for her to fill up where she want to go), so i took the chance to inform her to check out her own air tickets too. On Friday, then we can decide which agency is the cheapest, then we go there and buy our tickets together!! Moreover, she needs to apply travel visa (Coz she is a Malaysia), so if i buy for her, den how to do visa? i also dunno this process. So, it would be better if she can buy it herself.
Me: Can you call a few travel agencies and tell them you are looking for 1 air ticket, from 3/27 - 4/12 (or watever date u want to come back) by only NorthWest, the 6am flight? Then tell her you need to apply visa also. Like that is faster rather have to wait for me.
LP: huh, if i buy myself, then are we taking same flight? If not, if different flight, then how *starts to panic*?
Me: of coz same flight lah, ive already told you which airline and the timing wat. Isnt it will be same flight? If not same flight, can also wait at the airport one wat,,why so worried?!
LP: Oic,,wat if different seatings how??
Me: Pls lah, seat is when you go check in, they will let u choose. Not print on the ticket when you buy. If you come early, you have more choices of seats. We will be checking in together, of coz sit together!" (she travels to China and HK before BUT she didnt notice such system...sigh!~) Oh well, if i sit alone, i am ok with it.
LP: Oic..
Me: .... ....( busy pissing off in my brain mailto:&^$@!*&^)
Wonder wat wld she do if she got lost in Japan and cannot find me? Like tat die liao lah,,cannot come home?!~ Think I will tell her to bring her passport with her always..if she cant find our guesthouse, worst come to worst, she can directly go to the airport, buy an air ticket to go home *evil i know*
Our Osaka trip is only 3 days, 4th day going back to Tokyo because she has little time. Too short for me. I think after she goes home, i go to osaka myself. Mayby book a 2 nite of ryokan at a kyoto mountain top and stay with the monks?! hahaha. Read a guidebook and it says they have such service!~ Im kinda curious to try it. It must be very interesting and peaceful coz have to wake up at 5am, do chanting with them and take vegetarian food. It is such a refeshing experience!~ Let alone watching sunrise with the monks at mountain top!~ I like to try out new stuffs.
Those 3 days at Osaka must be chionging those shopping sianz..i prefer to chiong those nature places. If i were to tell her tat i wont be going to Osaka to shop, she will be very pissed with me. If im bad, i can just ask my Osaka friends to bring me to those scenic places and she can go shopping alone?! Well, cant lah,, too selfish of me. Nvm, i go and look for that famous Like An Edison shop in Osaka. They have a branch there, i think. I havent get all the jrock shops address ready,,haiz,,,
I am soo anal and grumpy!~
YEAH! ^^v
The X-Japan's ticket was announced today.
I was elected. (3/29x4)
And my friend LP, has confirmed she is not going to this show. She said it is too expensive. She would rather go shopping. Oh well.... tats is good news for other X fans. Had told my friend to sell away her ticket.
My good luck is coming,,weeezzzzz~~ ^^V
Pray tat the Mother faster pay me!!~~
Monday, February 18, 2008
JRR X-Japan ticket - strike one!~
So had smsed vonnie if she is interested in this ticket. she havent reply. she must be considering now. The JRR piece is US$135. Just pop by ebay and saw a Japanese selling 1 piece of 3/28 for US$250.. But then, buy one ticket for just one show is kinda silly coz go all the way there liao,,and only watch one show?!
My friend LP (who wants to go with me on this trip) was surprised to know X is having a 3rd concert. I told her on Sunday (she just came back fm M'sia - CNY trip) and her reaction was "huh, wah so many shows arh,,like tat, total tickets are so expensive leh."
Haiz,,if total i have to pay S$1000 for the 3 nitez, i also feel worth it. She finds it too ex. So, i told her "if got the 3rd nite's tickets, i will sell yours away". She say "see how lah". I would be pissed if she wants to go to the 3rd show and kept complaining the tixs are ex.
Quite disappointed by her reaction..she like "follow wind",,i said go X, she said Ok. Now, got extra show, she like sianz while all X fans are so happy. @_@" Perhaps other X fans are thankful if she dont go?! Coz she deprived them of the tickets for all shows...haiz....
Despite LP going with me on this trip, she pratically does nothing on her part. I told her before CNY that she can start planning her itinery based on how many days leave she can acquire. Till today, she didnt plan any.
I told her yday that Yen dropped a little and all she immediately say is "izzit, ok, let's faster go buy JR pass." She didnt monitor the yen movement and didnt think maybe tomorrow or next week may drop further?!! She smsed me yesterday tat her boss let her take leave from 3/27 - 4/11. She has to start work on 4/14. So, i replied her "ok, i go find air tickets". She replied "ok". Huh, just Ok? She should help out to find the air tickets rite?? Coz on Sun, i told her i plan to go for one month and if she has shorter trip, we will be buying different air tickets. Sigh,,super jia lat...
Da most jia lat part is..ive also told her before CNY that if she has shorter trip, our schedule wld be different except on days when we go for concerts. So, our itinery will be much different and i gave her site to check out where she wld like to go. Till today,nothing planned or informed where she wants to go. Ive told her many places i wun go coz ive been there before. She is like a "sleeping partner" for this trip.
Japan's railway gets on my nerves very much and imagine when we are there, she has to wait for me to find the way and do Everything? (She thinks tat i know Everything about Japan or the Railways system is like our MRT? *typical Sporean thinking?!*). I dont know if i can tahan her,,i cant tahan her now...
i want to go to Kyoto. They have alot of nature places like rice padi fields and bamboo forests with monastry at mountain tops. Just spending my days there idling would be great..but LP dont have time for all these,,she prefers shopping and is rushing for time,,,then how?!~ If i ask her to DIY the whole trip except to meet me for concerts, she may feel im selfish. Afterall, it is her first time there (but my fourth) and dont want her to feel abandon. This tirp is more like buying trip and relax trip for me..tats all. Not a leisure trip or tourist trip.
I wonder if i had asked the wrong person for this trip? Or am i really being a self-centered ass?!
For that Saga, the mother emailed yesterday to ask for more grace period coz she needs more time to find the $$$. After some consideration, had extended it for one week to 3/7. So, total 3 weeks. If force her to pay by 2/29,,if she dun have $, also cant pay might as well give her one more week. Glad this stupid saga is coming to an was like a hard fight battle. At least, if get back this $, can pay part of my air ticket or something...
Hi Christine, sorry to hear the week didnt start good for u..perhaps 2 days of no-so-good days and 5 days of great days are on the way!~~ Dont feel down okay? And keep yourself healthy too. ^___^ Hope today went well for you.
SY,,the nick "Xuan" is overally cutie for you. Got 2 customers who had the same name with Xuan in it, so i tot u r one of them..lolz... Yes, the standard of living in Japan is high but den,,im dont see myself doing much of shopping (i think i dread it coz ive passed that crazy shopping period of my life XD), except for jrock stuffs, which is my joy.
Most Japanese clothings are too petite for me (their sizes are more for you and Christine <3),>
My friend havent emailed me the results of the 3rd show from the Yoshiki was out today at 1pm JPT..looks like chances are slim and maybe she is planning hw to break the bad news to me...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The mother will pay
i will pay the full amount.
is ther a way u can put the case on hold till i pay for everything?
i promise i will pay!
how long do the case gonna take?
and when are they gonna come?Visual Shoxx
We will only close the case after we receive the full amount by Western Union. This amount is too big for us , just like it is to you.
Your daughter can sell them online at jrock forums to earn back the money to pay you for her debts. She can price them any price but not us. We pay so expensive for all the items and it is brand new when we sold them. We cant let the price slide.
We cannot accept paypal from your account anymore as we are concerned that the same thing happen again.
We will close the case once we receives the full payment by Western Union. We will keep our promise.
We understand it is not your fault and you will do your best to handle this case.
We are already being very kind. We hope you can understand.
The Mother :
can't you do this just this time..
i am truley sorry for all of this again.
so i just need to pay that amount you say?
so much money? but will try to reach taht amount?
can i just sent to you through pay pal instead if i do pay?
if i were you i would take back the items and just let it slide even though its lots of money..
srry but i am begging you again close the case please and will pay that amount then as soon as i can.(if you close the case)
The mother is scared of the police now..
They are either American Koreans or American Japanese, tat's why their English is not fluent. Since "the mother" say she will pay, will see wat happens. She didnt realised the total amount has balloned coz all comes in small chunks like S$100+, S$200+. S$50 etc.. she said in the past emails "they are not made by me, of coz i dispute it". Tat's why had to say "There is no smoke without fire". Still, dunno she understand anot coz it might be too difficult for her to deduce.
Hey Xuann, are you Samantha? Yah, not sure if it is one person behind all these? And not sure why the daughter is away now and going away soon?! All like so drama...
Oh, didnt know ebay changes their policy..thanks for informing Christine. It is always the sellers at risk. We must be more careful now. You are so right, who will throw away their PS company goods??~ We have been like going around in circles because of this saga. The mother's replies always made us fumes coz it is non-constructive and only defends her daughter with all her "I dont knows". Are you feeling better now? Yes, the upcoming week will be a better one for you.
It is also maddening that she didnt do anything when she receives those Paypal receipts. Wonder if she experienced the same issue, meaning her girl sprees at somewhere and she repeats this same cycle of denying all payments and tell the sellers this same old story like what she did to us?
Glad Shivon had received the earrings on time ^^ The timing was great. USA post always takes very long..more than 10days on average. Europe takes 3 days on some days but not more than 6days. Sorry to hear about Caiko's gift seller. Perhaps she really forgotten about it.. :(
Yesterday 2 customers asked if we can do japan auction for them. hmm,, will explore this option. It seems like a hassle thingy though but we think alot of people are interested in japan auctions. Will check with our agent in japan.
The results for the 3rd X japan show will be out this coming Tue. It is an exciting moment and i will wait patiently for my fren's email. I hope Not to get "i was defeated" in the mail. T.T
Had checked out that some guest house in Japan where you can rent bed or room (dormintory). It is quite cheap, less than SGD$1000 per month, but must book at least 1 month or more. Hmm..think shall try to book one month, den go there do shopping service for customers and earn some living expenses? Dunno also, coz im not sure which ATM can draw Yen using foreign Plus Card/Cirrus card. Scully cannot..den ppl pay me at posb but i cant draw it there.. T.T
If can draw Yen using our atm cards, den can provide this service liao...if the response is good..then will consider uproot and move our base there?! Afterall, it is better and faster coz dun need to wait for the items to come to Singapore and pay the shipping fees. Moreover, 80% of our customers are foreigners. Shipping from Japan to International is cheaper than shipping from Singapore. It is because of Singpost charges 20% fuel surcharge on the postage for all outbound packages. Crazy rite? That's why, alot of foreigners dread ordering magazines from us. I feel for them too. Also, can buy tour goods and ship immediately,,dun need to wait for soooooo long or for PS Online shop to list them...something new and different way of life for me. it is doing wat i love and loving wat i do.
Vonnie, you can join me there after you graduate. Then u can shop for customers. Perfect job for u rite? I think you would be very happy..see ur babies concert and shopping too. XD Thanks for your kind thoughts of hoping i get the X tickets :). Why u want to open mee siam stall? u like mee siam? I love laksa..lolz..but F & B line very hardship de... but this line wun die if ur food is good. Like the nasi lemak stall opp my house, the owners now own the stall, a banglow and 3 other branches islandwide. Happening rite? Once i read another local satay seller. He's so successful tat he owns banglows too..
Your theme of cafe will be very successful in Japan. The Japanese can take literally any "shit" you throw to them. No joke when i say "shit". Any Indies bands tat debut there can make it (they have their own followers). They accepts creative ideas readily and loves casual living. Their spending power also makes them know how to enjoy life and pay top dollars for almost anything. I want to go there sell sugar cane juice, coz i like sugar cane juice and i din see anyone seller there yet. Maybe you can open a mee siam stall there, then i sell sugar cane in ur stall..
Think in life, it is more about fulfilment and servicing other people. It would be even better if it is your passion. Got a friend who works in Hewlet Packard Singapore for 3 years in middle management. She draws more than S$5k per mth. After the 3rd yr, she quit the job and work in a tattoo shop as a tattoo artiste drawing S$2.5k, have to work retail hours (long and no weekend offs). Everytime i walk pass her shop, she glows with happiness. She said she invested alot during her HP job, so she is depending on her investments for retirements etc. She has created a life she wants to lead and is very happy about it. She's darn cool. She also tattoos both her arms without being bothered by wat ppl will say about her. When young, it is better to plan how to create a life you want to lead..not wait till "after i retire".
Once i saw a man (maybe 60years old?) on the train. He was reading this book "How to lead a satisfying life" something like tat. I was thinking "was he not happy with how he lived his life so far. But it is like half century had passed by for him. Did he regret the way his life is spent?". All these questions pop out in my mind. I dont want to end up like him, so scary. I want to be like my tattoo friend. She is an extra ordinary example that im trying to model.
Sad day for a protective mother
The mother:
i have found all the items and if i returned it in behalf of hers will the claim be closed..
can u cancel the case, i will return all the items and i think are are couple more but think she may have lost them.. what is the address i need to send to?i will also send you some other things including what you are selling and hope that this will help even though its not on yr site..i am truly sorry. and can u list all the items and the address to send to?
thank you and may u close the case please and will send all the items and extras so this wont happen again andi will be careful. and if items we dont have then i will send you something that is related to what u have on yr site!! please i beg of you..
Gosh, why should we pay for her dishonesty? Isnt as parents, you should be responsible for her actions? It is very very bad for you to tell us to pay for her dishonesty. We are not her parents.
She has caused so much trouble and money for us since December when all her bills are denied and were deducted from our Paypal account. We need this money for all our goods and shipping fees. We are Not a Charity Company. Do you feel it is right for us to pay for her after all these troubles and losing of big $?
What is the use of sending us the items? It becomes 2nd hand now and it is already old items. Nobody will buy these from us. If you were us, do you take back?
Sorry to say, but this is a very bad way to teach your children. They will never learn the lesson on life and may go cheating again. She should go find job and repay you the money.She must be taught to be responsible for her dishonest action. It is unfortunate you are not teaching her this way.
Pls do not beg us. Pls plan now with your daughter how the S$580 can be repay before 29th feb. We obviously dont want her to go to jail too. That is why, we allow the payment till 29th Feb. If we are bad, we send all the documents tomorrow. We are kind enough.
After 1st March, we will submit all the documents to USA.
We view this cheating very seriously.
Pls do not beg us.
The mother:
please i beg of you..close this case..
i will do anything?
the amount is just too much..
i can return the items since i see some in her room.
please? i beg you..
i seriously dont want her to go to jail,
so why dont you pay for her dishonesty..please..i am willing to return some of the items we have now. please. i beg of you.
i have the 18 items as i counted..
would theat be undestandable?
Sorry, we cannot close this case until the full amount is paid. Otherwise, we should pay for your daughter's dishonesty?
She do not need to possession the credit card. All she need is to copy down your card number and expiry date that's all. From there, she goes online to do shopping. It is very easy to cheat this way. Perhaps you cannot believe she did all these. No parents can 24hrs keep track of their Children. She can easily commited these when she is in school, after she got your credit card number etc. Kids today are smarter than their parents think.
She must have kept all the items, since she has opened up that package. If she is honest, she will return it to us and tell you she did receive our package when you asked her. But she didnt. This shows she has signs of dishonesty. She cant throw them away coz she loves Alice Nine and Miyavi. Which fan will throw it away? We think the police will search your house for all the items.
The signing shipping papers all are the proofs we have and it is very easy for the police to handle. We also have all her emails (she created other email accounts that she didnt tell you). The police can check the Internet Providers address. It will show your home address. This is the proof too.
She is a young adult and must be responsible for her all her actions. She has to learn her lesson.
It is a very serious cheating crime. She will either stay a few weeks in jail or pay heavy fines with criminal record.
We are sure paying the S$580 is cheaper than the police case.
The Mother:
i am sorry but i can't make that amount of payment.
its too much and i dont even have that amount.
she is not here right now,she comming back on monday.she left this moring on a trip.
i am pretty sure she did not order anything from your site because i watch every move.
and she don't have posission of my card or my how? besides signing it.
i am sorry for that. please dont cause her any trouble, i feel like she might do something horible if she goes to jail or somthing. all the items i saw are opened..she only has few but dont know what happened to others item,may be threw them away or somthing.
please can u just close this case and promise i will watch very carefully from now on. my regards to you.i will never allow this to happen. besides she is leaving away i check everything.
The mother feels she need not pay for the items her daughter has thrown away? She still cannot believe how her daughter got her credit card number. Said she watched her every move and it is impossible her girl bought things from us? How is it possible? She can only watch her when she is at home, not her outside activities and online activities. Moreover, she is away now. Who knows where she is doing her shopping spree now? Her daughter is obviously dishonest. The poor mother still believes her daughter has only one email account...which being has only 1 email account?
She dont know the trouble her daughter had caused us for the past 3 months and now asking us not to create trouble for her daughter.
Paypal even did a revesal of funds when we just withdrew it to our bank account. This amount (S$400+) was stopped and move back to paypal coz they need to deduct $ from our account due to this issue! How angry was that? We need the funds to run our biz and in the end, we have take it from our own pocket to pay for customer's orders.
This reminds me of a neighbour's story.
They had only one daughter and her dad drives her to fro from school and to pratically all her outside activities. They thought they knew what their daughter's every move. One day, the girl came home and infom her parents she is pregnant. Imagine the horror expression on her parent's face? This is a very good example of how it is impossible for parents to keep track of their kids every move.
Does your parent know your every move? My parents doesnt.
Now is the internet age, it makes it even tougher for parents to keep track of their kids.
Light and easy
"Wah, parcel again. Wat's inside?"
Just realised ive left these 2 items (it is Sapporo soya sauce noodles and lemon bubble chocolate" at a corner of my room and forget to bring it for some customers..haiz.. the bubble chocolate is funny. Once received a chocolate flavour but eat and didnt see small bubble inside. Now, i see it in different flavour and hope it has bubble this time.
Super busy today. luckily guren arrived at 9.45am. so, in time for the meet up, and also pack for overseas shipping. was like a bull today coz so long never carry so many items. they are very heavy coz got alot of mags. took cab and when arrived at cityhall around 12.25pm, a bee (my nick for customers..lolz) rushed to me suddenly and said " u need help anot?"..abit shocked coz she came out fm nowhere!~ I said dun need lah,,coz oni 3 steps to the spot. she is a hide fan.
Glad Vonnie's arrived today too. Your worries are unfounded. You so fast put on the gaze's hp strap liao? Saw your fixing it onto ur keitai.
thanks to SY and vonnie for following up the dishonest customer drama. now abit relieved coz the mother found something in one of her girl's room. Still, dunno if she will still side with her gal and say she didnt order. Perhaps it is how parents feel? It is because she is very shocked. Nonetheless, it is good tat thru this incident, she can know her daughter better (and teach her better?).
Scully can take back this $$ but lost da X tickets??haiz,,,zhen shi de.. my fate is in the hands of their ticketing lottery system!~~ for the 1st 2 shows, still no progess yet,,always kena over run by other bids near closing. Actually X-Japan concerts are priceless ,,, it is my pocket that determines the price,,sigh... hard to beat those richie rich Japanese..haiz..
tml must sleep the whole day to reward myself for today's hardwork,,hahaha!~