Xuann..u see da pic,,err,u dare to eat?~~ I will make sure it wont be burnt like picture 2...
It was a fun experience. Gave some to my neighbour's primary 3 boy. He didnt know what is that..lolz....Told him it is hot inside, pls eat with care.
My neighbour strike 1 prize today. She strike 1st prize last Sun too!~ Super lucky de lor!!~ Total prize is S$11k. It was a great windfall for her. She just came back from Australia with 6 of her relatives.
Learnt something new today, from the channel 8's Beauty show (forget what;s da title. Wo zui wan meh? Happen to catch the part where a cook introduce the benefits of vinegar. It was host by Desmond koh and lin cui fang).
To be able to allow our bones to absorb more calcuim, drinking of vinegar helps. The cook mixed apple flavoured vinegar into milk and let the guests try. They all said it was yummy. I didnt know the purpose of vinegar till an hour ago. Wow,,,it has great benefits. No wonder the Japanese are sooo crazy over black vinegar. They have such drinks at supermarkets and also vinegar soup base noodles. I scare to try the black vinegar..
This is better:
1 comment:
Haha it looks um, interesting. Don't worry, I'm sure you'd perfect it eventually! =D
Wah. Your neighbour is so lucky ~ ! *___*
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