Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Financial Crisis

So true,,those people who are responsible for current financial mess should be punished..it is appalling that the US government may plan to use 700billion of taxpayer's $ to mop up this financial mess.

Imagine im paying tax and our government use it to clean up those banker's mistake...while im being burdened with inflation, decrease in value of US$.. it is soo unfair...


Yes, i shall go and buy gold and silver funds at our UOB...

Last few day read on our papers saying ppl buy some mini bonds from a local bank which was invested in the Lehman brothers. They loose their $ (which is for their retirements and children's education) just like that... that bank only have one statement for their investors. They said " Principle amount is Not guarantee. It is stated in the prospectus". Government info says "pls read the small prints in future." In summary, they are saying "that is your problem."

Today, the chinese paper's features Hongkongers queeing up at their Monetary Embassy to request the government to guarantee their loses on the mini bond. Many were old folks..

Last Sunday's paper featured one local tycoon predicting after this financial crisis, next is the credit card crisis in the US. So scary....

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