Saturday, December 29, 2007
Gaze & X
finally gaze calendar is out (12/28) and it comes with an exclusive photo!~ We hope we'll receive ours on next Monday, if not, gotta wait till next Wed due to New Year;s day. It wld be a great New Year Gift for all Gaze fans. We hope our overseas customers receive theirs some time next week.
Yesterday, an Aussie customer told me that from Perth to Western Australia by Express service took 1 mth!~~ She suspect it is due to the festive period,,but den,,ONE MONTH within the same country and by Express mail somemore?! We have customers who had waited for 7days and starts sending enquiries email about their package. If it takes one mth,they will "Kill" us (no lah,,rather, badmouth us at forums/blogs). Nonetheless, we'll explain nicely to them that it is due to some held ups at their customs, which we have no control over. To date, USA and Canada has such it takes longer for packages to reach the receiver. Europe is far by the best, sometimes, it takes ONLY 3 days (to my amazement too!) to deliver.
Italian post opens up every packages/parcels. Our Italian customer's parcel was opened last mth and she gotta pay Euro$100 in tax before she can collect her parcel!! Gosh,,so EX!! She also paid Euro$150 in tax for her Putumayo clothings!~ The Italian post charge the taxes according price tags of, mags and cds are cheaper,but Putumayo? If its H.Naoto..she will cry at the post office ... ... ... (dont think she'll cry coz her dad is Mr. Richie Rich aka Paypal screw up? No problem, my dad will send payment by inter-bank from Italy to Singapore by Citibank. She also went to chase gaze all over europe during their oct tour too *Envious!!*).
Listening to X-Japan's Live Live Live Tokyo Dome 93 - 96 now. If i can manage to get a tix to their Reunion concert next year, i shall close my eyes and immerse in the ballads. (Toshi nothing to see, at least Ryuichi is handsome..hahah). Maybe will bring a Spore flag to tell them Spore got alot of X fans. I think i will cry when they sing Tears and The Last Song, coz it reminds us of hide. I hope X fans dont cry like LS fans during their Final sombre and scary coz i dont understand what LS and the fans are talking.. they cried louder and louder...
It would be a LUXURY to be able to watch X-Japan live!~ Shall be like vonnie,,grab all the tour goods x 2 each,,XD (once in a lifetime tour!)..i wonder how long the queue will be..oh well, lemme settle the ticket first...*keep my fingers crossed*. Sometimes, i do feel it is like "got money also no ticket" situation..dunno how..which X fan wants to sell away the ticket??! I think Ruki and many other bands will attend X concert (oh, this means tickets will be more scarce) *Tears*
Some finance tidbits:
Checked out at Fundsupermart's forum and came across this info.
Mr Tan Kin Lian - ex CEO of NTUC Income for the past 29 years.
He always put of customers first. A man with strong integrity.
Alot of useful financial information and also the Insurance Industry:
tml going to see Ajahn Brahm live,,kinda excited!~~ Hope he will enlighten me and set me up and ready for 2008!~~
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas & Gemcery
Hi Christine, how was your Christmas? Hope you are feeling great~ :)
No news when the A9 calendar will be released. Hope it is the same date as Gaze (12/28),,so excited to see how the calendars look like. Must rush rush coz japan's post office is closed on from next Tue.. and closed for 3-5 days,,,sooo long!! Japanese New Year is like our Lunar New Year.
Wonder hw was the luna sea reunion last nite..hmm.. this Reunion DVD will be out it march!!~
Did nothing much today except some readings and taking naps..XD. No special TV programmes on TV,,our mediacorp is lazy or maybe trying to save cost??
Read an article about Inflation in Singapore at the Fundsupermart forum. It says our inflation rate is 4.2% as at Nov 07. One annalyst from MAS says it is estimate to be x2 by end of 08. OMG,,,means 8.4% inflation rate in Singapore??!!~~ @.@" OMG!!!
I think inflation is more than 4.2%. My doggie's biscuit cost S$1.80 a few weeks back but last week, i saw it at S$2.40 = 33.3% increase in price!!
Auntie Iris called in the evening and she;s working today. Her boss came to the shop halfway thru our chat and we'll catch up another day. She had zero sales yday... -_-"
A funny customer from Germany emailed to say "thank you for sending out my necklace, wishing you have lots of presents today. " She's got a cute nick too, call Berry~
Discovered the maplocco map thingy at someone's blog, so put it up at vs. it's an interesting software. It's confirmed that our customers are concentrated in Europe. There's one click from Kuwait,,must be the diehard A9 mei mei :)
Yday i forgotten a meet up. It was 12pm at cityhall,,but i clean forgotten about it (2nd time it happened!~). M called at 12.02 and asked if im on da way..Opps,,,i apologised, am meeting her tml. She told me a funny thing. " I dreamt last night tat u scolded me coz i was 3 hrs late for the meet up. You paste an angry note at cityhall (tat meeting area) and im so frightened by it" Sooo amusing,,XD. I assured her i dun scold ppl for being late. Coincidently, I dreamt last nite that I was 1 hr late for meet ups.. too many things on my mind, esp yday coz was rushing to post office to post all the goods before the holidays.
So fast 2007 is ending,,,left one more week to go!~
Saturday, December 22, 2007
VS crossed the 100,000 hits
Thanks to everyone who checked it out every now and then.
Thank you for enjoying the things we put up.
Green tea with Collagen
yday was browsing for green tea coz i heard from the radio tat green tea is one of the best anti-oxidants (skin renewal) around (besides blueberrry and pink guavas). I think Japan has the best green teas (Local ones are made in china or ???) so i search for it. BINGO, they have a kind of green tea that comes with COLLAGEN and VITAMIN C!! So, ALL IN ONE. So, i bought this:
Not sure if there would be any change in taste after added with Collagen and Vitamin C. Anyone who is interested to try, pls lemme noe. it will arrive next week.
The Collagen is made from pork, so im kinda worried about the taste and smell (if any). They have a kind of pure Collagen powder and there;s pork or fish flavour..nvm,,try the green tea 1st.
had a yummy lunch buffet at seoul garden with LP today, after 1 month without seeing her coz she went back to KL. Chatted alot of things, esp wat are we gonna do on new year's eve. So, we had decided to go to this talk coz i remembered ive picked up this flyer sometime in Oct.
Ajahn Brahm is no ordinary monk. He is funny and talks in a simple and relax way. Even his book has a funny title (Who sent this truck load of dung?) I look forward to see him live on 30th Dec.
Check out his Youtube videos:
im not so much of a religious person (despite im a buddhist) and his teachings is more about spirtuality, which im more into it.
Zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Friday, December 21, 2007
US$ in Crisis. Something to ponder for all of us.
A simple and Must read book is China Inc
Read it 2 years ago and cant believe wat's going on between the US and Asia. It says China lends the US$ massive amounts of $$$ to sustain their economy. In Summary:
1. China buys US$ Bonds (bonds of banks and buildings) as a form of IOU
2. Until US has $$$ to pay back, these banks, buildings etc belongs to China
3. Summary = Many things in the US belongs to China until their debt is clear
1 book (cant remember the title) says, for every US$1 the American earns, they have US$3 in scary!!~ *Vonnie, dont overspend hor*
What if China stop buying those bonds (meaning, dont lend US any more $) and the world's next currency is Renminbi or Euro?
Oh yes, the Middle East Oil traders have stop using US$ as their trading currency since early Dec coz it declines so much that their profits are eroded. They are using the Euro now.
Due to the mis-managed of the US financial system, the middle class got hurt the most. They are now working harder for the same wages but buying lesser and lesser goods!
Ron Paul, what he is saying is sooooooooo RIGHT!
My portfolio fell to 6% from the previous 18% coz i switched out my India fund to buy into another China and India fund. 1 day after my switch, both prices tumbles like sh*t..sigh,,wrong timing! Tot the market was going up but i was wrong! Nevermind lah, i bought somemore china funds coz now is cheap cheap,,,XD
Ok, enough of economics,,dunno why suddenly say all these.
Nice to hear from Christine!~ Im enjoying her long emails and also all the comments that she left it here. Thanks Christine!~ Have a super happy month long winter holidays! <3
My best friend can oni help to make a static website but it is ok coz yosh can make an e-commerce one. now is deciding the package..the yahoo small biz one is monthly payment, so can terminate anytime...dunno hw long vs can go on...XD
Someone wanted to catch LM. C live in March. On their tour site, saw that they are going to Korean and Taiwan in Feb!! Good for them (and the Koreans + Taiwanese)!!~ It's great to know Japanese bands are moving outwards!
Starts raining heavily again, with thunder somemore!!
So long didnt blog,,lazy bee ....Zzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My poor dog
Due to my dog yday, a few of vs customers had to wait for met (1 hr coz i dont have their contact no and they didnt read the email i sent at 10am yday). Luckily they were understanding enough.
Happen to bump into PJ on Monday at JE library..she is still the same after some 5 years later!~ She used to be my best friend and we lost contact after we graduate from high school. PJ is currently a freelance web designer and she's been in this home based biz for 5 years!~ Wow,,,so long!~
Finally it is a sunny day today,,else i would feel tired n sleepy again. it was quite a busy week coz some mags arrived..almost everyday gotta go to post, vs does more overseas business than locals... ... ...
Found this interesting site:
This site has just been updated yesterday!~
those in green are countries that you can sign up. Oh yes, Japan is in the list too..
i would prefer to opt for such programmes than to go to Lhasa. Holiday work camp is something new to me and can make contribution to the less fortunate, plus get to know new friends. I am particularly interested in going to Mongolia or Cambodia for such work camps.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Would you quit your job in such cases? I wouldnt IF i see the prospects in this job. I can jolly well pay for my course (to avoid the bond), upgrade myself while staying in this job and finally, with my new qualification, find a better job. Now my friend is busy looking for another job, preferably in admin or any duties that are "light" coz "i want to prepare for my pregnancy (she just got married this June), so i cannot do "heavy" chores" was another ?????for me. @.@"
S$50 can be easily obtained by doing A DAY'S part time job over the weekends, rather than waiting for it after 1 YEAR at a job. Perhaps it is layman's thinking of waiting for increments..just like scenes i saw if i pass by Raffles place or Cityhall during lunch time. There will be flocks of OL (office ladies) and OM (office men) boarding the train and going for lunch together. This scene is like herds of sheeps going through the same motion every weekday..same goes for ppl who board company buses to and after work....
Another friend smsed me on Wed saying "sorry, i didnt call you as promised (promised since 2 weeks ago or something). It is because i am still struggling as before". Ive lend him S$100 to sign up for starhub's maxonline broadband so he can be entitled to a free laptop. That was in dec is not about the money,,but about the way he thinks. Imagine he has been "struggling" since last Dec?
Do You Know:
1. After a body is cremated, the ashes will be put in the urn by the following sequence:
legs, body, arms, neck and face.
This is to ensure the soul will be "seated comfortably" in the urn. (heard from the bbc last nite when they interviewed a funeral parlour person in charge who was arranging the procedures for a Japanese lady who suddenly lost her mother coz of flu). He also said souls normally lingers around their graves or their urns. Miracles happened to this lady when soon after her mum's death, she was pregnant (after 10yrs of marriage!). She said it was a great blessing sent by her mum. Well said!~
2. How do God communicate with people?
By sending them miracles. So, whether you encountered good or bad things, there's definately something to appreciate/learn through all these experience. So, there is no need to be pissed off for watsoever. Reminds me of a song "If God is one of us, if He is a slob like one of us, seating on a bus on his way home" something like tat,,i dont know who the lady singer is.
3. What to do when you have serious water retention
Drink more water. This will help to flush away undigested food in your intestines (tats y water retention occurs) and your intestines can operate normal. The misconception is "dont drink anymore water". Head from 97.2fm's beauty segment with guest artiste Jocelyn Tay (think she got a chain of yoga/health spas and is doing some Phds for health beauty related courses). Also, hard fats in your body is impossible to remove unless using some external help (machines)..i think i have some hard fats in my tummy it never goes away no matter hw much i exercise T.T
Coincidentally, Jocelyn Tay mentioned in a newspaper interview saying "Academic qualifications is for people looking for jobs, I dont need it coz ive created jobs for people". She's indeed a Beauty with Brains!~
4. Collagen
Pure cocoa is another good source of collagen (ladies, straight up and listen,,haha). Heard from the same radio station. So, i went to buy the Van Houten pure cocoa powder 2 weeks ago. havent seen the effect though coz i only drink it 2-3times per week. It must be added with boiling water (+ milk) to ensure the powder is fully dissolved. didnt brew much coz not always have boiling water...
5. "When you manage your money well, there will be more money for you to manage"
Read from a Financial + Spiritual book last week and saw this statement made by the author. Hmm,, something to ponder about...
What i feel like doing now an air ticket to Lhasa, Tibet!!~ It is such a beautiful place, also known as the Roof Of The World!~ Oh well, cant just do this yet coz got alot of gaze mags pre-order and calendar tat is still outstanding,,customers first!~ perhaps after da gaze calendar release,,i can go..XD
wat a long rattling,,,
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Last Sat, pass by Teck Whye and saw its bus stop!! Gosh,,it is the old fashioned type with round seats and pillar in the middle of the seats! I cant believe it coz i tot all bus stops in Singapore are upgraded to those you see at Orchard area. The paints are falling off too!~ And the bus stop roof is also sooo old fashioned!~...hmm,,who is the MP of Teck Whye?? For those who wants to see such bus stop,,better do it fast, else it will disappear soon..XD
Last Sunday i received a surprised email from Bob. He's my ex-boss. The company he worked for went bankrupt last year and i sent him an email last Aug. He replied on Sunday when he was clearing his email from an old account. Gosh, it is really nice to hear from him!! Some VIP he is as he a really good number cruncher!~ I admire ppl who are good with numbers, coz im not good at it...
Just now a 18year old boy came to know on our door to promote SCV starhub cable. Think it was his first job coz he was nervous and abit stammering when he talked. Still, it is good to see youngsters getting a taste of working life, despite it is a school holiday job. Alot of vs customers (students) are busy working too~
saw at ebay the Gazerock is not dead tee's bid is more than US$200 now!~ Wow,,tats da power of GazeRock is NOT Dead,,,lolz..Gaze is soooooooooo OMG!~
finally done with my room, new bookshelves came last week and a new writing desk came today,,,,almost finish packing...
Zzzzzzzzzzzzz feeling lazy now.. @.@"
Monday, November 26, 2007
Water bomb
finally bought 2 book shelves to stuffs my barangs,,bye bye mini mountains!~ its arriving on wed, walnut colour.
cant wait to see the latest gaze tour pamphlet!!~ saw it at ebay today,,so nice the pics!! but sooo ex!~ im curious about the 08 organiser too,,like a bit plain...
went to a polyclinic to search for a specific brand of acne patch but they dont seem to carry it anymore. overheard the cashiers chatting among themselves regarding the recent Dragon boat mishap by the Spore team in Cambodia. One Aunty 1 was saying "wah, life is so short, go for a competition overseas n never come home liao!~" Aunty 2 "ya lor, life is so short, so wat ur want to do now, must faster go n do, if not, wait suddenly die le,,will die with regrets!". So, if there are no such mishaps, these aunties (and all of us) wont think this way. It reminds me of wat i want to do now,,go to Cologne, Michael's house, relax and Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wake up and see nature just outside, go to the forest to pick blueberries and cherries (but not now, it is winter). hahaha ^^
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Moved to my brother's house from last Wed till Friday. Home on Sat morning, went for a meet up in the afternoon n come home to slack..lolz. My sister in law is having some trouble at work with her colleagues. She is kinda going thru a "transformation" time. She said "everyday i go to work, i wonder why am i spending my precious time helping ppl build their business?". She goes to work each day at 7am and knock off at 5pm. She felt empty and believe there must be more to life. Her colleagues told her "pls lah, we need the salary for daily expenses. If dun work, no income for daily expenses". She felt her colleagues are so mediocore. She dont want to "work-home-play-work-home-play" for the next 3oyrs of her life!~ Her dream? To be a hawker!! Im so surprised. She hope to rent a stall and sell food. My brother likes this idea too (coz my bro can cook). Both of them are exploring into this.
World's best financial calculator (posted at by a senior forum member some time ago.)
You wont know the power of Compound Interest until you see the end figures!~ (under Savings). I enjoyed the Retirement and Savings calculators. It's such an eye opener! Time = Money.
Moral of this: Save early and save as much as you can
Oh yes, yday someone from Malta won gaze's ltd picks at vs ebay. Malta? I dont know where is this country so i Goggled. Here it is:
Such an ulu country,,,gaze so famous till the Mediterranean Islands,,hard to imagine!~ Thanks to the Internet!!~ ^^
Last Monday Michael came and brought me his mum's homemade jams (strawberry and yellow prune flavour) and chocolates as Christmas presents. Too tired to take pics of it. Yong min packed some lovely smurf figurines for me..i love smurfs,,*muach* Hope to visit Michael at Col0gne real soon!~~
Going to read newspaper now,,yday's havent read yet!~
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Obscene bandana + Obscene ebayer = hair raising day!
Goodies fm Osaka!~ ^^ Thanks to OS!~ Fresh red bean omochi, with pieces of big red beans instead of red bean paste. Totemo @@iishi, ate 2 just now!~ ^^ Banana flavoured Hi-Chew candy..such a clear cut packaging.
The black & white chocolate balls are soo cute..will give it to the 2 "twin" A9 gals. Tml will ship their package. Even their payment style is the same. They will both say "ok, will pay soon!" And their payment will arrive within 24hrs. Korean American gal is abit blur and kept asking "what did i order and how much do i need to pay now?". lolz..both of them are are soo funny.
Today sold a set of 1st series of gaze picks to someone from Hungary! A gal from Switzerland ordered their cal too~Gaze is showing some good results from their Euro tour!~
"OMG! It's my fav Gaze and A9!!!" She rushes to jrock goods whenever stocks arrives. She is very fearful of Hide's plushies!!! XD
Care bear tee and pencase..pencase is mine and tee is for my sister as xmas gift. It's so cute!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Perfume
Realised there's 2 identical customer. One is Brunei Chinese in Australia and another is Korean American. They are very identical coz both like A9 and also accessories. They first bought fm VS around similar time and each time, both ordered similar things and send their emails almost at the same timing whenever i saw their mails, i have to double check their orders just in case i mix them up. Once i mis-send a Nightmare guitar pick instead of Gazette's guitar pick. Luckily, the customer from the Netherlands is our regular and she dont mind sending it back. Another time was a wrong mag to Australia. The nice customer mailed it back too..phew..blunders here and there (*-*")
Finally can sleep early tonight. it's almost 1am now.
Spotted this from a personal blog some weeks ago. Very meaningful.
On Six Principles for Daily Living
Monday, November 12, 2007
New product!~ Monchhichi CD pouch!~
gotta go pack my room now and zzzzzzzzzzzzz~~ my happiest time of the day!~
Sunday, November 11, 2007
An Interesting Incident
Found out the Sembawang Library does not have a copier. I thought all libraries would be equiped with one!~ Was waiting for a friend who was late, so pop by the library and saw something interesting that i would like to photocopy. Was searching for the copier room and it turned out they dont have a copier, let alone a room for it!~ It's my big discovery of the day~
Received enquiries from 2 new countries today. It's Croatia and Saudi Arabia. Both are Gaze fans. The strangest country is still Kuwait (A9 fan). It never crossed my mind that there are Vkei fans in these countries. What a beautiful world!~
This evening's news reports that Singaporeans have no idea how much they need for their retirement and thought they could just withdraw from their CPF after they retire... well, its the "entitlement mentality/disease". We are too comfortable here and "assumes" the Government will take care of us after we retire... I think our Government will have a hard time shaking off such "mentality" coz we are tooo used to our Government "holding our hands", esp during crisis times.
Food For Thought:
Money, like health, if you do not take care of it when you are young, it will not take care of you when you are old.
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Im so sleepy today,,,,,coz i slept only 5 hrs last nite. was busy uploading and packing till 3am. Saw a Jpop customer at Somerset today and realised havent replied her enquiry since Monday! Gosh, so i immediately replied her when i came home..lapse in service here m(__)m
VS's counter ticker hits 88888 at 9.48pm today!~ Happen to see this Magic Number when checking the site for some item codes. It was such an auspicious number!~ ^^V
Zzzzzzz... ... ...
Friday, November 9, 2007
Bao Bei (my dog) & my fruits
Lovely Autumn leaves from Osaka!~ ^^ Thanks to OS!~ Will keep them as dried leaves.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A Sumptuous Dinner
Had a nice chat with Bishounen over msn this afternoon. He was appalled and disappointed to discover his Japanese friend was telling spuns of lies and also living a "double life" online all these while. He must have been hurt.. Bishounen is still very young (19 y/o), this incident was really an"eye opener" for him on how dishonest people can be, irregardless of race.. (his little heart was really hurt coz he trust and talks alot about this friend.) Lucikly, Bishounen still has Michelle, Shin, Cockroach + her sister around him.
Had cheddar cheese with sour cream's potato chips for lunch today, plus a bowl of green bean soup. Next Tuesday gotta jog harder,,hahaha.
Saw this interesting quote from Dr. Mel Gil's "Uncommon Sense" that im in the midst of reading.
I am most happiest about the people ive met/known online for the past 2 years. You have been such a wonderful blessing in my life. Thank You! ^^
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
2 Milestones today/ Jack ma
1. 1 month "anniversary" of jogging once a week~(since 7th Oct 2007). It's been at least 5 years since i did a proper jogging. At most, it was only cycling at East coast park or Pulau Ubin. Since both locations are too far from my house, so i thought jogging would be the next thing to cycling. (And on top of that, i used to be a long distance runner in High School days!~) Jogging is my forte and im merely resuming it. My legs are firmer and slimmer now. For the sake of beauty, I will continue to jog.
2. Finally finish setting up this personal blog. " I bought a ticket to the other side of the Rainbow" was a line from a song (not sure of the title) by the New Radicals ive heard over the radio this afternoon. It was such a fun verse. Upon finishing, realised this theme matches well with the Monchhichi mascot. Monchhichi is sooo cute!!
Last night watched the news on's succesful IPO launched in Hong Kong. When reporters interviewed its founder, Jack Ma (Ma Yun) what is the secrets of his success. He replied "I was poor and was IT illiterate". He added " One can be poor but one cannot have no goal(s) in life". He must have kept this goal of becoming a Billionaire so close to his heart that his dream was finally crystalised on 6th Novemeber 2007.
It reminds me of what author Robert Kiyosaki said in his Rich Dad, Poor Dad book. "Money is an Idea". Jack Ma is the latest example. Some other examples are fellas at Youtube, Facebook and the most recent one from (the 17 year old girl who became a millionaire).
Enjoy this great inspiring clip :
The Secret: 1st 20 minutes (Laws of Attraction)