1. 1 month "anniversary" of jogging once a week~(since 7th Oct 2007). It's been at least 5 years since i did a proper jogging. At most, it was only cycling at East coast park or Pulau Ubin. Since both locations are too far from my house, so i thought jogging would be the next thing to cycling. (And on top of that, i used to be a long distance runner in High School days!~) Jogging is my forte and im merely resuming it. My legs are firmer and slimmer now. For the sake of beauty, I will continue to jog.
2. Finally finish setting up this personal blog. " I bought a ticket to the other side of the Rainbow" was a line from a song (not sure of the title) by the New Radicals ive heard over the radio this afternoon. It was such a fun verse. Upon finishing, realised this theme matches well with the Monchhichi mascot. Monchhichi is sooo cute!!
Last night watched the news on Alibaba.com's succesful IPO launched in Hong Kong. When reporters interviewed its founder, Jack Ma (Ma Yun) what is the secrets of his success. He replied "I was poor and was IT illiterate". He added " One can be poor but one cannot have no goal(s) in life". He must have kept this goal of becoming a Billionaire so close to his heart that his dream was finally crystalised on 6th Novemeber 2007.
It reminds me of what author Robert Kiyosaki said in his Rich Dad, Poor Dad book. "Money is an Idea". Jack Ma is the latest example. Some other examples are fellas at Youtube, Facebook and the most recent one from whateverlife.com (the 17 year old girl who became a millionaire).
Enjoy this great inspiring clip :
The Secret: 1st 20 minutes (Laws of Attraction)
Haha it's not a secret mah! I think scientists did a study before, it's true that the will causes things to happen. =)
Anyway, I'm amazed you went jogging. I don't like it at all man... >.<
wow. i really admire your dedication to your looks and health. i can't stand exercising since i am soo lazy and hate to sweat, but possibly over break i will be able to make a habit of it too.
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