Wednesday, April 30, 2008
hide 10th anniversay
Just checked out Yoshiki's Myspace and he havent update anything yet. Listened to Without You. It is sooo touching!~
A friend just called and he wanted to buy the X Returns 12.31 1993 live dvd but he wants taiwan or hk version. He said X will tour Taiwan in August. After that X will go to Paris and USA. i havent been updating on them. He also said something which hits me. "Artists coming out after 10years means they are in need of $$$". Perhaps it applies to Toshi? He was shocked to see Heath being so funky now. He saw some of their live clips at the MTV channel.
I feel they are very commercialise it doesnt matter to me where they are kinda disappointed with the "new" X Japan.
Yoshiki will be launching a new series of Jewellery line soon. The 2 Y20,000 each necklaces is already sold out...guess alot of the Y20,000 is on the way...
Sigh... ... ... ...
Im so lacked of sleep... today updated alot of stuffs at the VS blog. Still have a pile of mags and fc mags and some posters,,,next week ba.
tat;s all for now for the VS blog.
i need to pack and decorate my room a little. i brought back a Kimura Takuya newspaper ad with Nissin cup noodles. Tml i will go find a poster acrylic fame for it..Kimura in this ad is soo cool.
Vonnie, you are most welcome for the "3 things". There are a few stuffs in this book which i do not agree coz i find it was written too extreme. I forget wat are these. Even in reading religious stuffs, i will still filter the informations. You may never know if the author/translator of the script is based on the actual info or if he has added his/her thinking.
Yes, for the investor thing, i will decline this offer. I believe everything has its own time and place.
Glad to know what you want to do after you graduate next year. Thanks for your kind offer to help. Im not sure if i will still be doing this next year. See how. I must take time off to think where i am going first. Now, im just blindly running amok coz my brain is too exhausted to think. I think i need at least a week to recuperate. Seems things are happening to me so fast...i feel like i was being teleported from Japan to Spore and resume my usual routine immediately. I think l left my soul there. It must be busy eating ramen there...
For August tour, have to see my would be great to go there for summer coz no weather constraint and can watch many concerts,,XD. I hope to go to this place (I will endure the 5hrs journey):
I want take the special train. It goes thru the mountains and also pass by the deepest valley in Japan. The train service was not resume yet when i was there. 4.21 was resumed. Mother host said this place is most beautiful during autum coz of colourful autum leaves.
Teachings of Buddha and my rants and raves
Finally found the note ive copied from the Teachings of Buddha book at Jyofuku-in (Koya-San) on 8th April 2008.
This is the extract of 2 pages.
In this world, thre are three wrong viewpoints.
If one clings to these viewpoints, all the things in this world are but to be denied.
First, some say that all human experience is based on destiny; second, some hold that everything is created by God and continue by His will; third, some say that everything happens by chance without having cause or condition.
If all has been decided by destiny, both good deeds and evil deeds are predetermined, weal and woe are predestined. Then, all human plans and effort for improvement and progress would be in vain and humanity would be without hope.
The same is of the other viewpoints, for, if everything in the last resort is in the hands of an unknowable God, or of blind chance, what hope has humanity except in submission? It is no wonder that people holding this concept lose hope and neglect efforts to act wisely and to avoid evil.
In fact, these three conceptions or view points are all wrong: everything is a succession of appearances whose source is the accumulation of causes and conditions.
For the investor issue, just got this feeling that this girl (Helen) is a hard to get along person. She is superstitious and eagle eyed everything. I find it hard to imagine working with/for her. I prefer own time on target.
I understand what SY and Vonnie means (opening a shop and keeping the online shop). However, opening in Singapore is a NG. We dont have enough critical mass to support this business. Unless include what Mise is include Jpop and Kpop. Like that, it would make more business sense. If just open only jrock shop, doing it in Germany is the best option.
Yesterday smses M to inform her that ive sent her the url to my Japan pictures and she replied "dont forget to think about the Helen's proposal and get back to me".
I just think that, currently all is doing well. I dont need $$ for this online biz and i dont think opening a Jrock shop in Singapore is feasible. Thus, where to put Helen's proposal? On the otherhand, does VS wants to remain small like this (only an online shop?). Ive been pondering about this question after M told me about Helen. Is this a Golden Opportunity or ? Wakarimasen.
I wonder why Helen dont invest her own $ like what she did for her clients? Investing in a biz is more taxing and higher risk. Isnt it better to do what she knows best? If she can make big bucks for her clients, she can make it for herself. Why would she want to put her $ at risk? I dont understand her agenda. My sister in law said 'just ask her ask and see what she has to say". Well, if ask her out, she will think im keen in the venture.
I am worried about losing control over VS. Perhaps should ask her to buy that Mise biz and rebuild it. Locals got alot of Jpop and Kpop fans and Mise got their branding there liao (except have to clean up the reputation).
My supplier said she cannot go to the Gazerock event in Aug despite i agreed to pay for all her travelling expenses. She said it is too far from her house (Osaka). Not sure if i should go myself?!!~ A9 is also having tour..i think Hyde also.
Thanks to Vonnie for reminding me that i hope to based in Japan. I literally forget about this dream. Been too busy that i lost my way now..
Declined a few special orders (mostly cds/dvds) coz i dont have the time for these now.. Still have a pile of mags and posters to be post. Finally finished the hide stuffs which im supposed to list yday but didnt. Fixing up the magazines now. Must priortise my tasks... It is better to do a few orders and do them well rather than do alot and screw up alot. Unfortunately, among them, there are a few who expects help without paying svs charge (coz they tot fren fren or Ren Qing Qi type). I dread Ren Qing Qi type of people.
Got a hide "mafan" fan who wants to order yoshiki melody cd II 3days ago. Had to tell her to find it at hmv or cdrama coz Sarah found at either place last time. She once ordered an old hide re-released single and after 1 week of collection, she smsed "hey, the single u gave me is wrong, i want the 3 inch version but brand new. U gave me the 8cm one". I replied "huh? now where got re-release in 3 inch? All 3 inch are only 2nd hand version. She changed topic and replied "but you sell me too ex S$25 but hmv is only S$18". Me "in this case, you should have bought from them earlier". She "err, can i change this to a 3inch one? 2nd hand is ok". Me "ok". Seriously, dunno wat to do with her so, better exchange and let her go. A few times also kena similar situations where she said "the hide plushie got a few little defects". Aiyoh,it is 2nd hand, she expect it in brand new condition. In the end, she didnt change. Another time was she wanted a Yoshiki doll and Demanded to find it in 1 week and she is willing to pay S$80. That time was near the X reunion live. So, hand to tell her "ur buget is way too low coz now is X Japan hype. I think even S$200 is also too little". Pls lah, it is a collector's item leh! I cant help but to wonder if she is those typical Singaporean style customer?? Now i do not accept her order (kinda blacklist her). Her purchases always needs "after sales service" which i no longer wish to entertain.
There were another 2 Singaporeans who cancelled their X and gaze goods order coz "i cannot wait till May then collect". They also dont want to pay postage from Japan to Singapore so they can receive it earlier. One of the postage is only S$10 by registered mail. Yuckie Singaporeans behaviour. Thanks to them, our overseas customers have the chance to buy the tour goods.
The zy mega edition is super ex coz have to pay extra Y400 for each copy for shipping. It is about 220pgs excluding all the extras..zzz zzzz . Btw, ur Porter X Fake bag seems nice and reasonably priced too!!~ It is great knowing you and SY (aka Xuan) who share most of my thoughts and understand want i mean. You both are my rare finds. :)
Btw, that Mother emailed last week saying she still no $$ to repay. She asked to wait till July. Havent got the time to reply her. She said her another daughter tried to sell those things online but nobody buys. So, she is waiting for money from "someone" (i dunno who). I will inform her to find some part time job and pay by installments. I think people have the mentallity of waiting for people to help them rather than depending on themselves. This is such an an unhealthy trait.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
My favourite pictures
Natural Beauties
Late afternoon scenary on way to Miyajima Island (Hiroshima)
An unusual "Drooling" Sakura tree at Kyoto (near Heian Shrine)
The beautiful path near Nu Ren Tang at Koya-san
Cute little girl sharing the same cabin to Toyama
School girls on excursion at Asakusa
He was actually wondering if he should pose and begins looking for his friends
Monday, April 28, 2008
Investor for VS?!
Me: yes?
M: I have a investment banker friend whom recently promoted to the CEO of her department. She likes Japanese music and is interested to invest $ in this area. So, i thought you might be interested. However, she likes to "eagle-eyed" everything and believes very much in Feng shui. So, im not sure if that goes well with you. You can open a Japanese related shop with her $. She dont have time to run the biz. (Contradicting...coz she likes to eagle-eyed everything?!)
Me: Err,,no lah,,wait i lost all her $$.
M: She dont mind the money one..she has lots of it. It is just that she wants to invest in small biz in her area of interests. She said she dont want to be an investment banker till she retires. She hopes to do something she likes in the near future.
Me: (Change topic). Wah, she how old? She is progressing really well!~
M: She is the same age as you lah!~
Me: Oic,,wah,,i think im just a peanut in her eyes
M: No lah, she very easy going one.
Me: Hey, this bake rice is very delicious! (change topic)
Quite a surprise offer..but den,,i dont wish to have no control in this biz. Imagine there's always someone i need to report to and checking everything that i do.
People who has the most money can speak the loudest. Im worry about losing the freedom in this biz.
Actually im already quite worried when the e-commerce site starts. It means cant interact with customers anymore. Now waiting for the transfer of domain from one site to another site before the IT guy can start doing all the uploads.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A380 SIA plane model!
Yesterday Father host received my A380 SIA plane model!!~ Coincidentally, last Sat was his 55th Birthday (he seriously dont look like 55), so he said it was his best birthday present!~ The pair of Laughing Buddha is my gift for his family. Father host likes plane and train models. The Laughing Buddha area is beside the door. It is a shoe rack. There are displays of some plane models. So, my SIA model adds to his collection.
I bought it online from a Spore seller at yahoo auction spore but she cant send it overseas. So, had to ask her to send it to my sister and ask my sister to send it to Father host.
Finally updated all my pics yday,,it took about 5hrs to upload all the abt was uploaded in 2 phrases, so the pics are abit jumbled up. Will sort them when im free.
For the X mugs,,i wont be using it,,hahaha..too precious to use lah coz i didnt buy a spare one. For the 3.28 live, it must be watched on a dvd player. It cannot be watch on PC coz the format is a dvd format. It was recorded by a dvd player from the cable tv. I tested it on my laptop when i was there but cant play...
Every fans surely wants to attend the 2 days but Kaori said priority is for hide's FC member. I think they will go 2 days lah,,no money also will go and find $ to attend..
God, pls bless Toshi... i have Toshi phobia.
To start a Porter shop,,i must have wads of $$$$$...XD
Miyavi world tour..wah!!~~~
There's also hide's summit information in this url. The 2 day tickets are super ex 25,000Y. X Japan and Diru will be performing on the 2nd day. Hope Toshi give his best on this day (5/4). Imagine spend so much $$ and see his lousy performance..
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Im happy to be home!!~~ Had met up with our some of our "long time" customers yesterday!~~ We had a wonderful mini gathering!~~
Uploading all the pics to flickr now. Have about 700pics to be uploaded. 150pics/time takes about 1hr,, will take me half a day to complete all the pics to flickr.
Vonnie, glad you had bought a headporter pouch and a Original Fake bag. Thanks for telling me the Supreme place. It was kinda ulu,,hahaha. The prices are quite reasonable. I saw some wallets at only S$70++
Hope you didnt had a "hard time" with grace n her fren yday..XD. Ehh, you ate the glico sticks yesterday and even followed the line when pouring the sauce?!~ ~ My friends ate it yday too..the sticks were thick and yummy!~ like BBQ flavour. Btw, when i was at the temple stay at Koya-san, there was this Buddhist book in the room. I read it and there was a section on Difference (or something like that). I copied down tat section for you on a piece of paper. It is somewhere out there. I will dig it out and write it here.
Yday my friends asked me "so, what is the happening or in thing in Japan now?'. I stunned for awhile coz i really dont know. What a shame rite? I felt like ive been closing my eyes while i was there (except when i see the beautiful scenaries). I didnt spend enough time at Shibuya, harajuku or Shinjuku. Think i was there 1 day each. 2 days for Harajuku. All of these places are filled with the same departmental stores like 0101, Seibu, Parco, Mastuya, Loft. I went each of them x 1 time only. It is no difference like our own Isetan. Street shops in Shibuya are missing and were converted to ladies wear shops. So, i dont find anything In or Happening (perhaps those flora dresses are the In thing in Spring + bone sandals?). I think the only In thing i see was alot of guys (and some girls) carrying Porter bags. Unfortunately, my friends dunno what is Porter. So, yday was a good chance to go to the Supreme shop with them.
It is not summer now, so i cant see all the hot Japanese chicks at Shibuya 109. i'm happy to see some nice punk, lolita and oshare dressed youths once in a while on the trains or on the streets.
So fast one month is over. All i knew was that i was always rushing and waking up early... I think one month is too long,,so, next trip (maybe 09 summer) will go only 2 weeks. It is just nice.. Perhaps will go to Hokkaido coz havent been there yet. This time didnt go to the Sado Island coz i want to save $$ for the Porter bag. So, perhaps next trip will go to Sado Island.
After Cine yday, we went to far east. One of my friend went into a T-shirt shop (Collage? i lost the name card) and bought a black tee. The shop assistance came out of the counter to pass her the t-shirt and saw my white sandals. She immediately said "eh,,this sandal is very nice leh, you bought at Bugis?". I was quite surprise she like the sandals (it was bone sandals) coz i think it was quite common. Then i told her i bought it at Harajuku for only S$30. She is surprised it is so cheap coz she tot Harajuku stuffs are expensive. I said "now alot of things there are made in china, so there is no need to pay so much for it". The bone sandals is Japan's spring shoe, i think, coz alot of shoe shops are selling them. Mine is white. Actually saw a colourful series at Toyama (there are yellow, bright green,bright pink) but i dont have space for them,,so i tot to go Harajuku and buy. But Harajuku only has plain colours!!~ So, just buy the white one lor... Another place in Osaka also sells those colourful sandals but their price is 1x more expensive than Toyama (3990Y!). My budget is only 1990Y... This is the 3rd time there's ppl who commented that my shoes are nice. 2 time in Singapore and 1 time in HK. All the shoes are from Japan. I like Japanese shoes..lolz..
There was a new shop at Far east and the shop's name is Shibuya109. They had a small tv in the showcase and was playing Koda Kumi's MVs. The display of the shop is nice But the selection is nowhere near "Koda Kumi or Shibuya 109". i saw a pair of leggings and the price was SGD$99.90. Too ex...Japan have stockings 3 pairs for ony Y1000!. This shop also have afew Cecil McBee paper bags on display. This brand is big among the Japanese girls. Same for Anna Sui (but it is Made in China). Reminds me of those S-Cawaii magazines.. My friend said "this shop's selection is seriously incompatible with its branding. it is not chiou enough.".
Bone sandals - short.
These are my 2 sinful purchase. Not sure what category is the wallet coz there is no description on the tag and i cant find it online. The Counter tag puts "winter 2007" collection. Luckily it was button and not velcro. I ponder abt it suddenly on the plane back coz i forget whether the wallet is button or velcro series. I would hate the velcro version..luckily it is the button version. Im overly attracted by its blue x white checkered that i forget to check whether it is button or velcro. I like the print coz doesnt go out of style and it is abit retro. They have the black x white version but i find it too dark.
The sling bag - Porter Free style 2008 Spring/Summer series.
A comprehensive Porter site:
Alot of backlogs to clear..customers are already asking for new A9 items.... maybe if tired of jrock stuffs, will do Porter stuffs,,XD
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Pissed + Porter
Early April, ive informed her to ship the 1st batch to a Sporean customer (coz it is a group order by all her friends) coz the 2nd batch was delayed due to some sold out items awaiting to be restocked. Now it has been restocked but she didnt send it today with other items.
She asked me "is it to be shipped to the same customer again?". OMG...but aint everything is going to Singapore?? I am so angry coz if shipped separately, it is so costly and moreover, whole of next week is Japan's Golden Week!!~~ Now, I dont have any balance items to ship now. *fumming*. I had paid enough for all the shipping $$$$. Zzz zzzzz. Today i had pre-sent 1 suitcase and 1 trolley bag to the airport using the lugguage courier svs and it had already cost me S$60....
Anyway, today went Ikebukuro. Went to Sunshine City. Nothing much there. Everytime i go shopping on weekdays, there are still soo many people. I wonder why they dun have to work,,everyday only go shopping... Saw a nice series of Comme Ca Men wallet at Seibu Ikebukuro. I like one of the wallet but they left only black. I like its White series. So, went to Shinjuku after that. After the exit, i found this 3 storey Comme Ca Store. So, tot maybe they have the White series wallet..but they dont even have this series!!~ I wonder why. Haiz,,nevermind lor. Then saw this OIOI Men shopping mall nearby,,,i pop in to try my luck. Wah,,they have the full range of the Comme Ca Men's wallet, incl. the white series. I was very happy until i saw "Made In China". It was Y8000 but made in china. At the back of this series is Patrick Cox. The Made In Japan series was Y13000 and the Made in China series was Y12600. Which one will you buy? I was tempted to buy the Made in Japan one but then, this brand has many fakes in the market. So, even if you buy the original one,,ppl may think it is fake.
While pondering in front of the Patrick Cox rack, heard a bunch of Taiwanese talking loudly while coming down from the escalator. They were all carrying the Porter's paper bag. So, i knew they had just bought Porter from upstairs. So, i went up to see the Porter section lor. I cant resist the temptation,,so, sinfully, i bought that S$200 is Made in Japan and there are no fakes in the market (perhaps have but i dont know). I just blew my $$ away like so frivolous... this wallet is the last thing ive bought during the last day of stay here.
Christine, i dont have the plan to stay here permanetly coz it is quite boring sometimes. Harajuku and Shibuya is no longer the same as last time. Harajuku and Shibuya has changed alot. In Shibuya, many of those unique shoe stores are gone and Harajuku is now filled with all the China made goods with poor quality but in Japanese prices. Just imagine tourists goes to Harajuku but buy all the China made goods? Buying them in China is far cheaper and with more range. Bought a pack of peanuts M&M's from a convenient store today. It was Made in China too. Im so paranoid about the Made in China thingy,,, For my cute socks,,hhahaha,,i will just keep it for future use in other countries,,,no chance to wear it in Singapore.
Ate Tan Tan Mian set (it comes with fried rice and almond jelly) at Ikebukuro for lunch before i head to Shinjuku. The waitress spoke fluent Japanese, so i tot she is a Japanese coz she was too well-dressed to be a waitress. I was wrong. She was from China. She spoke slang Chinese to her colleagues and also the cooks...*_*". When i was in Kobe's Chinatown, there were many Chinese. They spoke fluent Japanese (or perhaps only those few taglines?) but when i ask them questions in Chinese, they replied in Chinese.
Tomorrow my flight is 7pm and i will reach Spore at 2am. I will go to Asakusa with Father host tomorrow morning at 930am coz he is having a meeting (130pm) there tomorrow. He will bring me to an old street nearby where they sell those Japanese food replicas like sushi, tempura, udon in bowls etc. Wah,ive read it somewhere but i dunno where is this place. It is great that Father host knows this place! During dinner just now, he asked what i would like to have for lunch tomorrow. I said anything is ok except for raw fishes. So, he suggested Unagi (eels) meals. Unagi in Japan is expensive. I saw those cooked Unagi at supermarket, it cost Y2000 for a mere 100gram!! It is a tasty fish but too expensive for me....
Father host has burned all the pictures he had taken during my trip at his house into a CDR and Mother host has printed my picture with sakura on the CDR. They are soooooooooo thoughtful and sweet!!~ Will take a pic of it when im home. Now im too sleepy to meddle with the camera. Think i have about 500 pics that i havent upload..
Father host is very attentive. A few nights ago, after my bath (11pm), he said "there is a hair dryer in the cabinet under the sink, pls use it". He never fails to remind me to use their house like my own. I felt soo indebted. Last Friday, i saw a neon signage which states in Chinese "Ming Tai Zi". I know i was a kind of food but i dont know what is it. So, i wrote it for Father Host and asked him wat is this food. He said it was a kind of fish egg that is seasoned with chilli powder. He said he will buy it for me on Saturday. He really bought it on Saturday and i ate a little coz i was raw. It was salty but not really spicy depite the mild chilli powder.
Since yesterday, Mother host has began saying she is feeling sad coz im leaving soon. I said i felt sad too esp when i was packing my luggage yday. Time flies..good times always ends fast... Nonetheless, there are plenty of wonderful memories from this trip that i will take it home with me.
Mrs Arai came just before our dinner to pass me a small gift (this is the 3rd time she has gave me something. 1st time was Japanese letter set, 2nd time was Japanese rabbit zip pouch). It was a blueish sakura print card case. It was really sweet of her. She brought some rice crackers for my host too. Actually is suppose to go to Tokyo Bay (Odaiba area) for sightseeing with her but i would like to go shopping instead,,so last night informed her that i cant make it. I didnt expect her to comeby tonight to pass the present. Last night, her husband gave us fresh soba. He handmade them.
My hosts said during last Sun's party and also just now, that they thank me for staying at their house. I said i should be the one thanking them and not vice versa. The Japanese are really very ke qi people. ke qi that i dont know what to say/do.
Tomorrow i will wake up at 7am..if not, i cant see Mother host for the last time. She leaves for work at 730am. I hope to make a farewell breakfast for her. :). Lunch is farewell lunch with Father host..
Btw, i cut my hair yday,,to quite short..lolz...ive actually trim and colour it in Osaka but i think it grew long now,,Yday passby a Cut Only Club (they design and cut hair only, for only Y1500) after posting my parcel, so tot to cut it again. The hairdresser was quite styloh,,she knew little English so we mostly communicated by sign language. I informed her i would like short hair. So, she immediately went to flip some mags. She couldnt find short hair pics, so she went to take a file with a catalogue of assorted hairstyles and showed me. So, i was able to see alot of short hairstyles (Japanese girls dont really go for short hair) and choose one from there. She then kinda grab my hair and start spraying water and get down with the cutting. Her cutting style is unlike those regular stylists where they cut in sequence. She just cut "anyhow". I think she is those artistic people that cut hair according to feeling...this salon styles/cuts hair according to your face shape. They have pictures showing the before and after effect in the salon. It is a niche hair salon. Most hair salons with full services (cut, colour, perm) charges alot for hair cutting alone, Most were Y3000 and above.
This is my last entry for my Japan trip. It was such an Exhilarating trip!!~ (with a few boring days in between). My happiest moments are watching those beautiful mountains, streams, waterfalls, plantations and lakes on trains. Bye Bye Japan.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Dear Christine ^^
Great to hear from you. I knew you were very busy in school, tat's why you didnt reply on my blog ^^ No, i didnt forget about you despite being busy and all. The little package was sent from japan but i put my Spore address. :)
Hope you can choose your desire course on Thursday!~~
Ah, i know wat you mean about the fuel surcharge. Our postage rates are affected too, whether it is in Spore or Japan....sigh. You are lucky that there are still seats available.
the blue boots which i like (the pair i saw was without the furry thingy inside).
Tomorrow will be my last day in Japan,,so i will go shopping (but small items only coz i dont have baggage space anymore)
Tulips at Niigata!!~ + back track of pictures
Party on 4/19 at Host house. My chicken curry and meat spring roll. Tofu was from Mrs Hatanaka. It was fresh tofu made from green beans. A special sauce came with it but we all ate it without any sauce.
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Yusaku Arai, Akiko, Me, Mrs Hatanaka, Ryoko Hatanaka, Mother Host
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Hiroto Hatanaka, Mr Arai ( he is no. 2 in Japan for Soba making Championship!), Mizuki Hatanaka and Mrs Arai
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Yusaku Arai, Akiko, Father Host, Me, Mrs Hatanaka, Ryoko Hatanaka
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Hiroto Hatanaka, Mr Arai ( he is no. 2 in Japan for Soba making Championship!), Mizuki Hatanaka and Mrs Arai
Think it was planted by students
This place is famous for its onsen. Read from guidebooks about this place. So, on way back to Tokyo, i alighted at Echigo-Yuzawa. While on the way to Niigata, i saw many mountains around this station. So, i must alight here before i go back to Tokyo.
Outside the station, there was a small free onsen for feet (just nice for 3 ppl). Saw a Japanese couple taking off their shoes and soaking their feet into the onsen. So, i follow suit. (do wat the Romans do). The water was very hot.
There were smoke coming out from the water too. It was natural spring water from the mountains. I only managed to soak for 5mins (wat a waste!) coz i left only 15 mins to catch the train.
Onsen houses near the station.
Street outside the station. This place was quite deserted. It is off peak season now. Their Golden week will start next week. So, this place would be crowded. I enjoyed exploring ulu places. My trip is "organic". I enjoyed ulu places very much coz these are the real Japan.
Some Japanese are really loaded with $$. Last Thu, saw a woman (S-cawaii style woman) pulling her Coach medium lugguage. Today, saw another couple pulling their LV lugguage..*envies*. I no $$ to buy Porter wallet..
One Friday at Osaka, around 5pm, i went into a departmental store (something like Isetan) to use its toilet and Wow!~ It was so packed!~ I tot they are having sale or something,,but No,,nothing was on sale. The mood was like Sale mood!~~~~ BUT, this store has a pathetic toilet. It has only ONE cubical!~ The queue was super long,,so i went to the train station's toilet instead.
Another 2 big brands here is Anna Sui and Samantha Thervas (or something like tat, it was Victoria Beckham's own brand). Anna Sui even has shoes series in Japan!~~
Halo SY, no lah, didnt fell sick coz of the rain. The rain was still manageble but not the wind. I felt soo sua ku coz the Japanese were so calm during the "storm" and i was soo nervous and helpless..hahaha.
Yes, postages are very ex now coz the fuel charges are high. Still, it is cheaper to post in Japan than in Singapore. Haiz,,no choice,,else i cant have all my goods, so must pay for the shipping...Zzzzz
Today saw a very nice pair of semi cut boots (light blue) at cost S$145....*_*". Drooled for awhile and get out of that shop.....if i buy,,it will add to my lugguage. Also, since i dont really wear jeans most of the time..this boots dont like nice with other attires..i think..or am i creating excuses??!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Party + Overloaded lugguage!~
Today held a farewell party in my host house. 2 neighbours of families came by. It was sort of a potluck style. Mrs Hatanaka brought assorted fruits and traditional assorted omochis and Mrs Arai brought fresh baby bamboo (she cooked it with miso soup at hosts house). I cooked curry chicken (with the curry paste ive smuggled in from Spore) and spring roll.We had such a great time!!~~ Tot to post the pics but just realised my camera is in the living room. I cant go and take coz the Secom security system has been set. If i go to to living room, the alarm will ring..tat is wat happened on Friday.
On 18th April, Friday, Kenta (host's son) set the alarm to "no one in mode" when he went out (dunno why he set it tat day while he dun on usual days) and when i came back in late afternoon, the alarm went off (it was some sound with a Japanese lady's voice recording,, obviously, i dunno wat is she saying). Then Secom called house. I answered but the caller dun understand English. So, he asked another English speaking staff to speak to me. I called Father host after the phone call but he said nevermind, just wait for him to come back and reset the thing. 2omins later, a Secom staff came to house to reset the system and left a report for Father host. I also signed on the report. Secom called Ayako (host's daughter, my friend) to ask if she knows me. She said yes. Father host wonder why they didnt call him but called her daughter. So, he is following up on this matter. He gave me the report and said was a memorable sovenir for me..XD
Too many pics to post..will post when im back in Singapore...
Tomorrow will got to Niigata. They have beautiful mountains with snows (Father host said maybe now no snow coz it is Spring time) but the mountains there are very scenic,,like those Swiss Alps styles.. Hope tml is a good weather.
Talking about weather, last friday and yesterday. ive experience the strongest wind (with some rains) ever. It was like a typhoon style. Those type where we always see on tv tat ppl's umbrella kena folded or damage by the wind. That was wat happend to me. Half of my umbrella was dented by the wind. I was so afraid tat i will fly up the sky with my umbrella, so i quickly folded it and run in the rain. It is safer without umbrella than with umbrella. The wind is soo strong, have umbrella also no use. The rain will still fall on you. It was such an eye opening experience!~
yesterday went to Odaiba. There is a Porter section in one of the shopping mall. I cant tahan anymore,,so i bought a porter bag. It happened tat that shop is tax free for tourist who purchase above Y10,000. Unfortunately, i didnt bring my passport and they dont accept JR Pass. So, i paid the tax (S$10). Paying the S$10 is better than going to spend time to seach for this bag again... Porter has a latest series of wallets. It is plastic or leather texture but in black x white stripe or blue x white stripe. The blue x white one is very nice,,BUT the price is the same as the bag which ive bought... i dont print $$$$..must tahan...Oh well, 1 porter is is like a famous Japanese omiyage (tu2 chan1) for myself.
Also, here got alot of nice and cheap Edwin jeans!~ But they are too heavy for me to bring back..sianz.......... Im soo tempted to buy but i must REN.. else i have to pay alot more for the postage for my own parcel.
My bag is camel colour, too sleepy to find the camel bag url. Ive got too many bags in black and the camel colour is quite nice and unique. It is like bright brown leather colour.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
SY, glad you had received the postcard w/envelope :)
Im finally back to Chiba last nite..yday had a hard/long time queeing for gaze tour goods. I was there at 9.45am But the annoucement at 1030am said goods will be on sale from 2pm onwards! OMG...means i have to wait for 4hrs in the queue ( i was about the 30th person in the queue). Lucikly, the started to sell it at 1pm,,so i queued for 3hrs instead of 4. Lucikly today was cloudy, so it wasnt that bad. The new pamplet is very heavy coz it s 100pgs each..bought 12 in total + some previous was sooooooooo heavy! My small lugguage bag can only squeeze 8 pamphlets, so the rest of the items have to hand carry. i went to osaka with the lugguage bag and came back with 3.5 bags. One big haversack, one lugguage bag and a big + small shopping bag. Feels like a runaway immigrant... (pao lu)
Osaka area has alot of snacks and omiyages of very beautiful nice packagings. Bought quite a number during my first 3 days there,,then, realised my luggage is already full. So, i stopped buying for the next 2 days. Then, go to Kyoto,,cannot resist again,,buy some more..Zzzzzzzzz. After that, the gaze goods...*faints*. So, had to lugged everything back and feet is aching now... no choice lah,,if dun buy those nice snacks from osaka,, dun have chance liao...esp Kyoto.
Last nite had a good sleep despite i slept abt 3am. woke up at 730am by Mother host loud voice coz she was shock that i bought so much snacks for her (she sort of scream when she talk to Father host). lazed till 8am and woke up to start cracking on my work..quickly snapped the pics and upload it..
Got problem with the vs mailbox. It cannot be opened, think alot of mails (kanchiong gaze fans)..but tml dun have time to reply coz going to Nikko (beautiful mega natural waterfall) at 720am. Train chasing again. It will take about 2hrs from house to Nikko (+ 3 diff trains). When i reach home, it will be around 9pm. will try my best to resolve the email prob. Wed will settle all the customer's orders and send them on Friday. Early next week have to start packing my luggage and send watever home first...
Thu will go to Nagoya to have lunch with my friend, Ayako (Father and Mother hosts' daughter). Under the Nagoya station, there is this 6km underground shopping mall and there's also 2 mega shopping malls at the front and end of the station. Soooo many shopping malls!! Will find the miso cake...i saw on tv one of the cake shop sells this cake!~
Today's Asakusa's trip is a short one,,total only 5hrs,,it is a routine tat i will always visit this beautiful temple. Bought some of their famous rice crackers. There's alot of tourists,,esp Chinese. Ive met alot of Chinese during my trip,esp in Osaka area. It is a proof that they are doing very well now.
My trip will be ending soon,,im feeling abit she bu de. Next Thu i will go home liao~~
Going to zzzz now,,hope the vs email will be ok tml.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Vonnie!! Glad u got the postcard
Im in osaka now. going back on sunday after i buy the gaze tour goods. Today i went to Hakata and Hiroshima. Near Hiroshima there is this island called Miyajiyama where all the Gods in Japan will gather there on festive events. It is a very beautiful island but i got no time to stroll...only been there for less than an hr. If you have JR pass, the ferry is free coz it is under JR group. It is a nice surprise for me. The ferry ticket is only Y340 for return trip...very cheap.
Quite bored here coz nothing much. Yday went to Shin-Kobe and Kobe before going to Glay`s concert. After tat went to those small eatery near the station to eat Okonomiyaki. It was such a big the size of our face. My friend said this is the Original size. Those at taka ones are soooooo small. Each okonomiyaki takes about 25mins to make..unlike ours...a few minutes only,,,XD. It is quite cheap too,,Y900/ has meat slices, lots of cabbage and big portion of mee. The chef cook it in front of you. Monday will upload my pics.
Tomorrow go Kyoto coz today my feet is took 3hrs of bullet train to Hakata (the very west of Japan, it is the Kyushu area) and see see look look. It was a ulu town but is famous for its ramen. I ate ramen set (with friend rice and gyoza). It is only Y700,,soo filling.
This evening i had beef rice set at a place similar to Yoshinoya. It is a new menu with mei chai and myonaise on top of the beef slices. It comes with miso soup, cold veggies and free flow of oolong tea. Only Y440. No wonder my friend say Kansai food is cheap and big portion. It is soo true!!
Last night came back to ryokan around 11.15pm and dunno why realised there was this strange man, with dark sunglasses (at night time??), dark scarf on head and dark attire like following me. It was drizzling and there was no one on the street. I was soo i paused infront of a vending machine pretending to buy drink, so he can walk ahead of me. He did walk ahead of me and went into a food shop. I scared he was waiting for me to walk ahead of him. Just then, another office attire man came out from the same food shop. So,i quickly walk beside this man and occasionally see if the weirdo man continue to follow me. Heng he didnt..i was really scared out of my wits. Since last nite,i make it a point to come back by 10pm. Must use common sense no matter where you are..even in Japan (despite it is one of the safest country in the world).
Japan has many weirdos...when i just arrived, there was this incident where a office worker (man) pushed a student (boy) down the railway track and he died. I think it was Shinjuku station. Saw the news and my fren`s mother translated. So scarry. So, now i dont dare to walk near the yellow line..u wun know who will suddenly push you down the track.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Glay`s concert
Jiro is still as cute as before. He sang a small part and it was interesting coz i didnt know he can sing. The coolest member is Hisashi..esp his hair!!
No one moment througout the concert was silent. Everyone was standing and enthusiastically displaying the hand signals. Glay fans were very obedient and united.
We had such a fun time with Glay! It was a worthwhile concert. Can only use `Masterpiece` to describe Glay`s concert. Today was their 53rd show ( i think) since Jan 2007. They are sooooo awesome!! At least,they dont have any cold spots like X.
The worst concert ive watched is Ayumi. It was way below my expectation...stage and costumes (4 only) were simple and only one memorable segment..where she portrays like the figurine of a musical box while she sings.
It is 1am now and no one is using the i can use.
Hope everyone is doing well :)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Lemoned Shop!!~
Ayumi replicas...
Ayumi can really sing man,,,she has showmanship too. I was at the 2nd floor and cant really see her. So, watched the screen lor. The last part,she wore t-shirt with loose jeans. This attire looks ugly on her,,she looked heavy. She has good stamina too. However, standard has dropped compared to her 2005 concert. This concert isnt elaborated at all. She changed about 4 sets of clothes only. It was a 2.5hrs concert. Her fans were very enthusiastic too..they stand for the whole show. Tat is wat i like about Japanese fans,,they will stand and were all very enthusiastic. There's alot of otakus too. Both men beside me were otakus. One came with bino and lightstick while the other came with lightstick, 2 wristbands, t-shirt and towel. The latter took off his shirt and i saw his ayu tee!!~ He came prepared!~~ I dont know what to do except to clap throughout the show...It was entertaining to watch. Toshi shld be ashame of himself coz his vocal is worst than Ayumi even though he cannot dance..
Off to Osaka tomorrow morning. Gotta get out of the house by 645am. Hope this place im going to stay is safe and sound....
Had updated all my pics at Flickr. Wont be online from now till Sunday.
Take care gals~~~
Friday, April 4, 2008
Only walked around for 1 hr and headed back home at 5pm. Bought some food to cook for my host tonight. I reached home at 630pm and they just came home too,, i quicky go prepare dinner. It was tofu + mince meat ball soup (with ikan billis as stock base) and tofu + minced meat in sichuan spicy bean paste. Dinner was ready by 7.15pm.
While making dinner, there was an earthquake at 7.02pm. Father host shouted to Mother host about the earthquake in Japanese and he rushed to the kitchen to shut off the stove. I was stunned and Mother host said 'there is an earthquake now". They wanted to rush out of the house but Father host turned on the TV to see the news report. Yes, there was a 3rd grade of earthquake happening at that moment. Mother host said the wires outside their house is moving, so it means there is earthquake. It was quite mild, so i didnt sense much of the movement. After that, all were normal again. I resumed my cooking. Father host said "it is your first time experiencing earthquake?". I said yes, coz we dont have natural disaster in Singapore. So many 1st time experience during this trip,,earthquake, ghost and sakuras.,. and yes X japan + other concerts.
Father host is really an exceptional Japanese family man. He has a pic of he and his wife on his keitai. Reports home on time (630pm) and if he is late, he will call or sms his wife. Last Monday he was due to have a sake party with an ex-colleague and he called home to inform his wife he will be home around 11pm. So sweet right? His wife told him im going to Toyama the next day and he cancelled his sake party so he can come home early to teach me the train lines. Wow,,im sooo indebted!!~ Really, im very impressed by him. He is not the typical kind of salary working Japanese man. He is a modern nice man!!~ Tomorrow he and his wife will go swimming in the evening and meet up with other club members for dinner gathering (their gathering is every 1st Sat of each mth). He told me to prepare dinner for myself and search the fridge for food. He also said "you are like my daughter". It is really nice of him.
Tomorrow will visit his neighbour, Mr Arai. He is a famous soba master in this town. After that, i will go shopping at harajuku. Dunno why, i felt numb about shopping here...perhaps i havent got the mood to do any shopping coz im soo tired...Tomorrow is a Sat, the youths will parade their fashion at harajuku...picture time...
Pictures from Akihabara:
Thursday, April 3, 2008
X Japan revives!~
Saw this news at yahoo japan. It is good they might have a world tour. However, i still prefer to original X Japan. I wonder who will be the 6th member...
The Without You track on the 1st video is very touching, esp the old video clips of X featuring their happier times. It was when many fans cried. And the drum solo. The set is rotating 360degrees when it moves out of the stage to the center extension. Yoshiki was really happy on the last day.
The dome concerts were actually quite commercialise coz it has h.naoto and Violet UK?! Can feel all were co-ordinated by Yoshiki. Makes me feel that the rest of the members are just part of the show...sigh...Finally i slept well!!~
SY, had reserved the X tee for you. Sorry for forgetting to reply. For blogging porn, it is very brief only lah,,i think ive summarise it briefly..kekekee.
Vonnie, dun think u will ever go to Toyama,,it is a boring and ulu town. I think with gaze's capacity,,i dunno why they want to tour Toyama..i mean, the venue it toooooo small for them. go to bigger venues in Tokyo or Osaka is better. For hotels, ive always been afraid coz ive heard many ghost stories,,didnt expect i would encounter the same thing. The first thing i felt when i enter the room is i feel afraid..coz i am alone,,XD
Going to upate gaze goods liao,,i had forgetten to list X wristband last week,,Zzzzz zzzz
Ghost in Toyama?!!
The GazettE's concert in Toyama went exceptionally Well!!~ These guys really have good showmanship and Ruki can hold his vocal well. Aoi's suave move reminds me of Sugizo. Uruha looks tall. Kai has a shorter hair (Ruki has a slightly longer hair) and Reita looks the same as per magazines. The venue is very small. It's capacity is less than 1300 people. It has only 30 rows. It is like a cinema kind of venue. Im quite shock that the venue is very small. Im on the 30th row (last row,middle where Ruki stands) and i can see them clearly. It's not easy to be a Gaze fan,,lolz, coz one song can have 4 different types of movement. It is the first time i see the whole hall headbanging and doing well co-ordinated movements!~ Most of the fans are very young, like 20yrs or below. They are very enthusiastic. One strange thing is, when Gaze plays ballad tracks, the fans just simple stand there without any movement. Im amazed that they didnt even move their body along with the tunes. Gaze songs are sooo suitable for them to do headbanging and all the co-ordinated movements.
Bought about S$2000 worth of tour goods. I was stupid tat i didnt bring my own big shopping bag. In the end, the staff gave me a box to put all the goods. I had to carry tat box and bring it back to the was far,,about 2 bus stops away. I didnt know the hotel's location is soo far coz i see from their website, it is near the train station. So, i took it to take bus. If i take cab, it would cost me Y1100. I took it when i cant find it after i alight at the train station. After i put down my things., i walked along the road outside the hotel and discover there's a few buses to the station. It cost Y230 per trip. It is definately cheaper than taking cab. I had to lugged tat 15kg of tour goods with me when i went to Takayama (1.5hrs from Toyama). I stored all my things in a locker and pick it up before i left for Nagoya, to transit to another bullet train bound for Tokyo..I put all the tour goods in my trolley bag and all my stuffs in my sholder bag,,my shoulder and legs are aching coz i had to carry all the item up and down the stairs in the train station... And, have to walk 15mins from train station to my host house,,feels like my whole body is aching... + im sooo lack of sleep. These gaze goods doesnt come is a good total of 13hrs (+ 1.5hrs from host house to Tokyo station) to bring it back to my host house + ghost encounter.
Ghost in Toyama.The hotel which ive stayed is very strange. Im not sure if im paranoid or wat. The first night, a few strange things happened.
1. The shower spray moved from top level to the middle level. I remembered i hang it on the top level but after i shampoo my hair, i found it moved to the middle level.
2. the Gazette's hp strap. I remembered i packed ALL in the plastic bag and put it in a box but after i return from the concert and opened the box, 1 of the hp strap was outside the plastic bag. I dont remember i took out one. All were put in the plastic bag, along with the lighter set.
3. The head lights on top of my bed went off by itself in the middle of the night. I purposely kept it on coz im afriad of the dark. After it went off, i just tot maybe the hotel is trying to save energy so, they have a limited time for all lights. BUT it is not true!~ The 2nd night, i left the same light on again and it didnt went off!!~~
So, for the past 2 nights, i barely slept a wink!!~ Today i woke up at 6am, left the room at 7am..i cant wait to leave tat place!!~~ It is sooo errie......
Oh yes, this hotel has free movies too..which includes one porn movie. But this porn movie is soo hilarious. The woman was being rape and ended up, enjoying the rape,,hahahaha. She was a temp teacher of a school and had sex with one of he disable student and a co-teacher. Nothing special about those sex scenes.
Some eye candies for everyone:
This cute girl shared the same cabin as me on my way to Toyama. Her mum, brother, her and me were the last group to leave the train as the terminal stop is Toyama. She sang loudly when the cabin has no one. I spotted her when she was running along the ailse. She is very cute and sweet, so i took out my camera. She automatically pose!~ Hahaha,isnt she sweet? Then i gave her a Singapore postcard and 2 candies. One for her brother and one for her. Her mum turned around and said thank you to me :)
These Gaze cosplayers,,i cant find one that doesnt bring out the essence of the member they are cosplayer. All were Sooo superb!!~
Oshare + Lolitas.. they are here for the GazettE's concert too. I wonder if their hair got messy after the head bangs? I saw many different kinds of hair colours when the spot light was brightly shown on the hall.
Wun be uploading my photos tat soon coz im really tired. So, these are some pics for your eyes first..lolz.
Thank you very much for enjoying my updates.
And 2 very important thing. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO SY AND CHRISTINE!! I suddenly tot of it when i was in Toyama!!~ I am soooo sorry for being so late to send my wishes.
Going to sleep now.