Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My favourite pictures

Natural Beauties

Late afternoon scenary on way to Miyajima Island (Hiroshima)

An unusual "Drooling" Sakura tree at Kyoto (near Heian Shrine)

The beautiful path near Nu Ren Tang at Koya-san


Cute little girl sharing the same cabin to Toyama

School girls on excursion at Asakusa

He was actually wondering if he should pose and begins looking for his friends

School boys on excursions at Miyajima Island

On train to Asakusa. He is so cute. He was carrying so many stuffs. His hat has a ball of red fur. He finally noticed me before i alight.

1 comment:

Saga-hime said...

awww cute kids!! i love the picture of the sakura tree<3. i learned about the heian period in my asian women studies class :). i have soo many papers due for it tomorrow, but i needed to take a break to organize my thoughts :).
