Finally found hide's Lemoned shop!~ It is in such a seclude area,,and 2nd Floor somemore!~~ zzzzzzzz
It was quite a small shop but they have alot of stuffs like lemoned shoe lace with pouch set, assorted clear files, lighters, mail blocks, assorted shoulder bags etc. i grab and grab...luckily they accept credit card. Need to conserve my Yen for Gaze tour goods and other jrock stuffs.
Ayumi replicas...
Ayumi can really sing man,,,she has showmanship too. I was at the 2nd floor and cant really see her. So, watched the screen lor. The last part,she wore t-shirt with loose jeans. This attire looks ugly on her,,she looked heavy. She has good stamina too. However, standard has dropped compared to her 2005 concert. This concert isnt elaborated at all. She changed about 4 sets of clothes only. It was a 2.5hrs concert. Her fans were very enthusiastic too..they stand for the whole show. Tat is wat i like about Japanese fans,,they will stand and were all very enthusiastic. There's alot of otakus too. Both men beside me were otakus. One came with bino and lightstick while the other came with lightstick, 2 wristbands, t-shirt and towel. The latter took off his shirt and i saw his ayu tee!!~ He came prepared!~~ I dont know what to do except to clap throughout the show...It was entertaining to watch. Toshi shld be ashame of himself coz his vocal is worst than Ayumi even though he cannot dance..
Off to Osaka tomorrow morning. Gotta get out of the house by 645am. Hope this place im going to stay is safe and sound....
Had updated all my pics at Flickr. Wont be online from now till Sunday.
Take care gals~~~
u gotta take good care of yrself too kay?? =)
You updated your photos? Hmm. Maybe I checked them before you mentioned that you updated it, so I didn't think they were new.
Have fun these next few days ~ !
can u tell me where LEMONed shop is located at? please...
is it in yokosuka?tokyo?osaka? or do u know the address?
because i'll be in japan soon &i really wanna go...
thank you..
yeah, i want to be there, too!!
i want to have this ear buds accesary of HIDE-chan version!
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