Party on 4/19 at Host house. My chicken curry and meat spring roll. Tofu was from Mrs Hatanaka. It was fresh tofu made from green beans. A special sauce came with it but we all ate it without any sauce.
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Yusaku Arai, Akiko, Me, Mrs Hatanaka, Ryoko Hatanaka, Mother Host
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Hiroto Hatanaka, Mr Arai ( he is no. 2 in Japan for Soba making Championship!), Mizuki Hatanaka and Mrs Arai
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Yusaku Arai, Akiko, Father Host, Me, Mrs Hatanaka, Ryoko Hatanaka
2nd Row (Right --> Left) - Hiroto Hatanaka, Mr Arai ( he is no. 2 in Japan for Soba making Championship!), Mizuki Hatanaka and Mrs Arai
Think it was planted by students
This place is famous for its onsen. Read from guidebooks about this place. So, on way back to Tokyo, i alighted at Echigo-Yuzawa. While on the way to Niigata, i saw many mountains around this station. So, i must alight here before i go back to Tokyo.
Outside the station, there was a small free onsen for feet (just nice for 3 ppl). Saw a Japanese couple taking off their shoes and soaking their feet into the onsen. So, i follow suit. (do wat the Romans do). The water was very hot.
There were smoke coming out from the water too. It was natural spring water from the mountains. I only managed to soak for 5mins (wat a waste!) coz i left only 15 mins to catch the train.
Onsen houses near the station.
Street outside the station. This place was quite deserted. It is off peak season now. Their Golden week will start next week. So, this place would be crowded. I enjoyed exploring ulu places. My trip is "organic". I enjoyed ulu places very much coz these are the real Japan.
Some Japanese are really loaded with $$. Last Thu, saw a woman (S-cawaii style woman) pulling her Coach medium lugguage. Today, saw another couple pulling their LV lugguage..*envies*. I no $$ to buy Porter wallet..
One Friday at Osaka, around 5pm, i went into a departmental store (something like Isetan) to use its toilet and Wow!~ It was so packed!~ I tot they are having sale or something,,but No,,nothing was on sale. The mood was like Sale mood!~~~~ BUT, this store has a pathetic toilet. It has only ONE cubical!~ The queue was super long,,so i went to the train station's toilet instead.
Another 2 big brands here is Anna Sui and Samantha Thervas (or something like tat, it was Victoria Beckham's own brand). Anna Sui even has shoes series in Japan!~~
Halo SY, no lah, didnt fell sick coz of the rain. The rain was still manageble but not the wind. I felt soo sua ku coz the Japanese were so calm during the "storm" and i was soo nervous and helpless..hahaha.
Yes, postages are very ex now coz the fuel charges are high. Still, it is cheaper to post in Japan than in Singapore. Haiz,,no choice,,else i cant have all my goods, so must pay for the shipping...Zzzzz
Today saw a very nice pair of semi cut boots (light blue) at cost S$145....*_*". Drooled for awhile and get out of that shop.....if i buy,,it will add to my lugguage. Also, since i dont really wear jeans most of the time..this boots dont like nice with other attires..i think..or am i creating excuses??!
First time I've seen them grown!
CHWA T_T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't spoken to u in FOREVER!!! the last blog entry i read was the one with your gazette cosplayers in them (they were very good btw! it tricked both voni and sato and they both hardcore loves ruki).
gah, school is SUPERRRRRR busy because it's almost over and this is their last chance to slam us with work.
i get to pick my classes on wednesday. i hope japanese is still available!
most likely i will be changing my major, but i do not know to what yet. (i sorta hate science after this year).
i'm about to go get some food cuz i'm starving, but i'm sitting here writing 5 essays.
i was waiting for an email to let you know that i'm fine, but i know you understand how school is -_-".
gahhhhhhhhhhh tour bus!!!
& i love flowers<3. my mom planted some tulips in front of our house, but i don't know if they'll come back this year.
um, ayabie is touring the U.S. in june. voni, caiko, and devan are going to the NEW YORK show, but i am going to the baltimore show because it is cheaper :(.
i am sad because i waited to buy my plane ticket (i thought 32 days before would be enough) and the price went up to $240 instead of $223 :(. gas is going up.
promise i will go back and look at all your lovely pictures<3.
i missed you and was afraid you had forgotten about me T_T.
i called home to see if my clothes came in the mail, and my brother said i had TWO packages. one from singapore :D. i told him not to open it so i won't know until friday afternoon but
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU SHOULD BUY THE BOOTS!! pretty clothes will make you smile (says the girl who got super stressed out last week and blew her paycheck on tutus and stockings).
*whoops. i meant i can pick my classes on thursday.
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