Thursday, May 29, 2008 sense in Spore

Was thinking about S before i went to sleep last night. Was thinking if she will recovery her memory? Brain is like a cpu. When something happens to the cpu, information Might be lost. I hope S dont lost her memory coz she has alot of wonderful memories in her life. She always goes holiday trips with her family and had a close knitted family life.

I wondered what would happen if i lost all my would be like erasing everything and start all over again...

Received a kuku question from a local girl this morning. she asked if the arena special feat. gazette is new..perhaps im impatient so i think it is a kuku question. Nonetheless, only locals will ask kuku questions and never follow order format. They think we have psycho power to know they are from Spore.

Read a chinese article from a NTU student. He/she wrote about the dressings of Singaporeans. He/She said perhaps it is our weather that we are in "national uniform - t-shirts and jeans" or we are tooo afraid to stand out from the crowd. He commented about HK, Taiwan and Japan where ppl wear according to their personality. Here, we tend to follow the fashion from mags or idols. If one were to wear too outstanding here, ppl will start to criticise. He/She cited a girl from the same school who puts thick make-up with loud attire and students in the campus starts to whisper among themselves. He/She hope that Singapore will be famous for it's fashion in the near future. We have famous finance and government system but nowhere in fashion..

This article is So TruE.. Salute to those who braved to cosplay last Sunday!~~

And Maki ----> Where are your "tonnes" of punk clothings you've bought from Japan last year? Only saw you wore once.... Glad his order for the Grassroot guitar went well :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad your friend is recovering well. =)

Singaporean's fashion sense seems to be growing bit by bit. At the very least, the sheer number of cosplay events are rising steadily by the year. I think people are getting more accustomed to see clothes that are "out of the ordinary". We need designers who don't only cater to the tai-tai crowd, na no da. =(

Hope your weekend's going well ~ I was very amused by how many pages the Art of Life score took, in proportion to the rest of the book. <3