Tuesday, May 13, 2008

X Japan 3/28 dvd format..@_@"

Ohkita-san just emailed:

I was not able to watch the X-Japan's DVD. because, It is DVD-VR format.

DVD-VR : DVD Recorder

I have a DVD Player.but I don't have a DVD Recorder.and The copy guard is given. (copy once only)

I was not able to watch the DVD by PC too. I was not able to release copy protecting.

Alamak, so it is not our dvd's problem. It is the dvd's problem. Shall ask my friend who copied the dvd for me if she can change it to regular dvd format and re-dub the dvd again. Hope can lah,,if not,,have to buy a dvd recorder?!!

Sorry for the trouble SY and Vonnie~~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohh no wonder I couldn't see it! I hope the DVD works! If not then maybe have to buy the DVD produced? => confirm have since Yoshiki = God of Money. XD

But then...this sounds delusional but I really feel like blocking out the hideous performances of the reunion lives. My hope in them has been restored a little by the hide memorial though. Did you watch those clips? I was pleasantly surprised.

Haha I think Yoshiki is really happy to be performing again, almost every video of him drumming shows him grinning maniacally from ear to ear. XD