The chicken card is from Far has nostalgic value coz i used to eat this snack when i was young.
The natural scenaries were from newsletters that ive collected during my trip. They are just nice to fit the balance space. The "Sakura" postcard was bought from Takayama (where i bought the "Dream" postcard for Vonnie) and it serves as a reminder that i was there during the Sakura season. This postcard is 2000 series.
Spotted their website on the plastic cover of the postcard. They have jigsaw puzzles too. Saw it at Sunshine city.
After putting up the display,ive discovered the sequence of the concert tickets has been mixed up. Ayumi and Gaze shld change place...
The Octopus has fell down and is covering the Nissin cup noodle. Didnt paste the Octopus (it was from a snack bought from Osaka) on the newspaper coz didnt want to spoil the nice Kimu taku ad. I must learn to live with imperfectness.
Christine, when you go to the workplace on Friday, pls prepare all the questions you need to ask. Think you are too overjoyed about getting the job and forget to ask about the pay.
Welcome back Xuan. Hope you are having a good rest now. Yday i went to the post office and saw this Caucasion lady, she was holding a big bag of chocolates from Hokkaido along with its carrier!! It was wat ur sis wanted! She told the postal staff she wants to send these snacks to Canada. Im on the verge of asking her to sell some to me!~ hahahaa.
Just this week alone, 2 local customers wants to exchange items after that have collected. Reason is, they have placed the wrong order. Wonder how come will place wrong order in the first place? Unfortunately, we dont do exchange...So far, only local customers are such muddleheads....They r super cmi siar.
Yesterday smsed a customer to pick up her 2 back issues of Shoxx mags. I did told her i will be away for April and she dont mind to pick up her mags anytime when im back. Upon replying my sms, she asked "Where did u go in April?". I think i didnt tell her..only tell her i'll be away. So, told her i went to japan. She replied "Wah, one month there? You know Japanese? I also longed to go there.". I replied "it is a once in a lifetime trip, i saved very hard for it". She said "dont say like that lah, when your business prospers, you can go there again.". It was really such a kind thoughts of her. It reminds me of something Xuan said before "there are still plenty of customers waiting to buy from you". I am very thankful for many wonderful Angels in my life.
Also smsed LP yday coz she wants to buy the bone sandals. She found many ppl selling it at Yahoo taiwan auction. Yday smsed her to inform that im not buying, so she had to inquire the shipping rates from whichever sellers she wants to order. If i didnt sms her, she would still wait for me to process her sandal orders for her. She only told me over the phone last week that she want white colour with round header. I just "orh orh orh" and she said "u want me to email u the url?". I also "orh". So, she sent me. It didnt occur to me that she is waiting for me to process it for her until yday. I suddenly remembered. So, had smsed her to ask her to order it herself and i will help her pay by Paypal. During our conversation last week, she said "that site all is in NT (taiwan $) so, i dunno how much.". "it is divide by 20 for Taiwan $" i replied. She didnt know there is such thing as currency converter.... Hope she can successfully finish this transaction by herself.. im awaiting her to inform me the total to pay to seller. Anyone wants to order the Bone sandals? If yes, pls lemme noe (Singapore only).
The hide psycho girl replied my sms yday. I told her i dont mind to keep the X pamphlet for her and she said "ok, thanks. Can you pls share with me ur experience in Japan when we meet up next time?". Sure i said. :) Hope she dont worry so much and can lead a normal life.
The Mother said she hope i dun give her dateline for her payment. She dont mind i charge her more for No dateline and hope i can consider this. She said even if it is only a few hundred dollars, it is very difficult for her to raise the $. Zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz Really dunno wat to say or do...
Oooh your display looks really nice ~ ! Kimura Takuya is quite charismatic, but I think Naohito Fujiki is somehow more charming? ^^
Lol, your customers are always a bit blur. Maybe it's a Singaporean thing? Many youths here are somehow not as streetwise bah.
Oh don't worry about the biscuits, my sister said her colleagues managed to buy some back for her too. =)
I just saw the limited edition hide jewellery, the most expensive pendant costs like USD 1k. Damn ex right? Although I think it's really very funny how hide is really keeping his promise of "supporting Yoshiki" even into death. Right after Yoshiki limited ed jewellery comes hide's too. XD
aww pretty scenery :).
"Think you are too overjoyed about getting the job and forget to ask about the pay."
yes mom X"D. i know it's about $7 an hour. most mall jobs pay this much, and it's our minimum wage i think.
yes, on friday i need to ask how much i'm getting paid, how much our employee discount is, and what we're expected to wear.
Mmmmm chocolates<3.
just finished taking my bio exam by the way. i think i did O-K, but i have another exam tomorrow.
i'm soo jealous that you're out of school and pass that point in your life!
"how come will place wrong order in the first place?"
they were intoxicated when ordering O_O? :P
lol you advertise for those bone sandals, now i see them everywhere online :P! like i saw a site randomly telling us how to match them with clothes X"D.
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