Monday, March 31, 2008
Toyama is 5hrs....Zzzz
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The concert went well last nite!~ Finally!!
My seat today is the 1st floor's 13th row diagonally to the piano. It was about the same level as the drums,,so it was LUCKY me!!~~ Today Yoshiki's drum set moved out of the stage again!~ And guess what?? It stopped at the end of the middle extension and he stood on the drum chair to greet the crowd FACING MY DIRECTION!! Wah, i cant believe my eyes!!~ He was just standing in front of me!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can die without regret!~ (Heaven must have told him i am in tat direction XDDD). Yoshiki played a long piano solo today. X didnt sing Dahlia... His drum solo's beat pierce thru everyone's heart coz the sound quality system is very good!!~
Ive forgotten to bring my bino again,,but today's seating is not bad coz i can see 3/4 of the stadium. This evening's crowd is very hyper!~ It is like a sea of carnival!~ One guy infront of me took off his tee (another strip tese show,,lolz) in the middle of the concert. Den, he cried when the screen shows hide!~~ So SNAG!~ Many fans cried today...err, me too,,,Without You track coz it reminds everyone about hide. Really hard to endure my tears. Finally, i had a chance to do the wave!~ I am very lucky liao coz 1st 2 days i sat on the ground floor and 3rd day on first floor (13th row) where i can take part in the wave. I did the same wave at Luna Sea's Final Act too.
There was a track by hide (which played his video) with live semi-nude dancers in their G string. U cannot see such in Singapore...hahaha. So, i think if there is this scene in the live dvd, it will be banned in S'pore. Well, who cares, will still import it.
At the end of the show, they had a life size hide plushie. Yoshiki and Toshi paraded and wave him to the crowd. It was really a heartwarming moment. We did the "X" song again today!~ It was really fun. I got the silver strips again!!~~
Finally, can die without regrets.
Today almost late to meet my Osaka friend..the meet up was a 9am and i only woke up at 8am. Managed to reach there on time. The unlucky thing is, today is a raining day and the temperature fell to 13degrees from 19 degrees yday!~ It was really unbearable!!~~ We went to a nearby High school's Sakura matsuri (today is the official day for full bloom of Sakura). They had a flea market there and ive found myself a new jacket. It was a 3/4 long velvet jacket by Helmut Lang. It is brand new some more, size M. Guess wat? It was only Y500!~~ Left the jacket at downstair's dinning chair,,will take da pic too lazy to climb the stairs.
Then, went home take my camera and change into new jacket. Im soooooo Japanese today!~~
I wore a pink long sleeve knitted tee, a 3/4 mini checkered black x white pants + my little red shoe. BUT it was toooooo cold today that halfway to Tokyo Dome, told my friend tat i need socks,,lolz...he spotted a Y100 shop nearby,,so i bought a knee length black socks...i am soooo japanese today,,, XD
One unlucky thing,,i forget to replace my camera's battery. it was low battery from yday. So, today,,i cannot take any shots at the concert!!~
Went to Ueno Zoo before the concert. It was crowed coz outside the Ueno zoo, it is Ueno park, which has full bloom of Sakura. Many people were having picnic under the trees. It was really interesting to see. My camera battery die halfway while in the zoo. Zzzz,,,,i cant take any pics after that. So, 1st ting i do when i came home, i put a spare battery in my bag..just in case the same thing happens again.
Reach home at 12.30am. Father host is not asleep..i felt bad and asked if he is waiting for me. He said no, coz he slept 3 hrs in the afternoon and cannot sleep now. So, he is watching tv with beer.
He said his neighbours brought some stuffs for me (coz ive passed them the gifts a few days ago). They are all food stuffs. So, i informed him to leave it here for everyone to eat. It was 2 bags full of snacks and cake.
Father host asked me to take my bath quickly and go to sleep asap. He asked "did you had your dinner, if not, we have food in the fridge or instant noodles in cupboard". He stood up from the sofa and wanted to go to the kitchen to show me the food but i stopped him halfway coz i said "it is ok, pls do not worry. I will take them if im hungry. I am so sorry to make you worried and trouble you." He is soooooo nice!!~ It is beyond words...
After my shower, i said "Oyasuminasai" to him. He reply something heartwarming " i am worried about your health". I am soo touched. I told him i am ok. He said everyday i go to concert and came home so must be tiring. I said i will take good care of myself, pls do not worry. Im sooo embarassed by his overly kindness.
Hey Christine, oh,,,my site is the first few for "yoshiki fainted?". I guess each of its own. Perhaps ppl dont agree with my reviews but oh well, it doesnt matter me at all. Thanks for your kind notification. It is informative to know :)
SY, i remembered someone told me before that during X's Last Live, he was at the concert. He said Toshi didnt sing well tat night. It reminds me of his same performance for this reunion too..sigh~ Why must he blemish such a precious and long awaited concert?? Some fans fly 12hrs to see X live and to think he gave such a slack performance?!~ Yoshiki put in 500%!!~ He played the drums from full of sweat till the sweat dry (coz of strong spot lights) for both nights.
Monday is another busy day despite it should be my rest day. I need to go to nearby JR station to reserve my bullet train seats for Tue. After that, need to go to a neighbour's house (they left a message to ask me to go to their house tml afternoon). But i need to post some X stuffs to some international customers tml,,,i havent figure out where is the stationary shop to get the envelopes and poster tubes,,tml gotta do all these. Evening i had to cook dinner,,it is curry chicken. On way home from my errand, must go supermarket to buy potatos, chicken and milk (coz there is no coconut milk here). Must sleep early too, coz Tue Must wake up at 5am and get out of the house by 5.45am. Need to chase my bullet train to Toyama..if not, i cant make it on time to watch the GazettE on Tue evening. My room is like a dog house,,,,
Tour tickets,,my fren passed it to me today!~ the Gazette, Ayumi and Glay!~~ Kaori-san is going to Glay;s concert too!!~
I miss my doggie!!~ wonder if she missed me,...XD
Vonnie, pls dun envy me,,,you also can de coz X will be having an Asian tour,,so u can still go. Pls dont be discouraged. Yday, my Father host said his WOWOW subscription ends today coz he cancelled it early March. Wah,,i must be lucky coz the live telecast is 3.28!!~ He also said i was lucky!!~ hahaha,,,,,,,Heaven is by my side. Perhaps i manifest sooo hard for this concert and trip that everything goes well so far. I am so grateful!~~ Btw, you wouldnt want to breathe the air here. It was darn cold and last night, soo cold that hot air comes out of my mouth when i breath!! Everytime i walked home, there will be free "make-up" on my cheeks,,it would turn pink coz my face is were my legs~
I didnt expect spring time to be soo cold. To think i brought 2 sleeveless tank top??! I cant wait to watch the recorded live dvd!!~ Coz can play only on dvd player, i cannot watch it on my laptop. And i dunno hw to operate the TV...wait spoil it,,i die,,, maybe will try tonite? coz my hosts will be back only after 7pm. They asked me to take the dinner myself. I will eat my curry and bread,,will buy bread later.
I tot my eyes something wrong when i saw Heath too,,hahaha,,buay tahan hor? Legend jiu shi Legend. Bao dao wei lau!!~ Pata is soo cool. When he waves, his hand is like "asking u to sit down" kind of wave..hahaha.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Toshi - wtf!
Toshi's voice is ok today,,but why must he forget the lyrics??! One of the stage staff pasted a sheet of paper on the floor when the members went back stage..i just hope it is not a lyrics for Toshi!!~
The concert starts at 6.05pm and ended at 8.45pm. It was very short coz they re-do yday;s few tracks. It started abruptly and also ended abruptly.
Met a French guy who was seating 2 seats away from me. As i was the only one in the row, he just turned to me and speak French!~ I was "err,,sorry, i dont understand". He "Oh, you are not a Japanese?" "No, im a Singaporean". So, we started chatting. He was a fan of vkei and he said only X can make his come all the way from France to watch. He is such die hard fan of X. I asked him abt yday;s show and he said "it was very good". Huh,,like tat call good? Yday was only lukewarm. Today got more hype (and more fireworks too).
2 happy things though.
1. My seat is infront of Yoshiki's piano. On it;s left is his drums!!~ My seat is the 13th row from the i can see them very clearly. It is just beside the middle extension (from the stage).
2. Saw Yoshiki up close and personal when he paraded the middle extension. secondly, his drum sets elevated from the stage and move out along the middle extension. Just his drum solo is already worth the ticket price!!
There was a special segment on feat. UK violet and H.naoto fashion show. It was a 2-in-1 kind of thing. The models are all Caucasions.
There were a few repeated tracks from yesterday. It was I.V. and Without You. I dont know why they replayed this 2 songs again,,,and showed the same old videos. There were no additional free videos today.
Sugizo is soooooooo sleek,,he danced with the tunes and also played the drums when Yoshiki was parading in the middle extension.
Thoughout the concert, i dont care where this Toshi is,,i just hear his voice but didnt bother to find where is he,,,he is such a bad team mate!~
Pata and Health is as cool as usual. There was a close up on Heath today,,and i can see his skin is not tat good...XD
Met a Singapore gal who is seating on the same row as me. She is watching all 3 nites. Finally, there is a Singaporean who is watching all 3 nights. Those that i know of are watching only one nite.
A Japanese chick in front of me stripped when the concert starts. She wears only a black bra and leather panties + net stockings. All in black. I think she went to those bondage shops to get this attire. She head banged soooo hard. 2 of friends cosplay Yoshiki..they headbang with her too!~~
Beside me were 2 Yakuza type of men,,,though they looked abit fiece,,but guess wat. When the first approach their seats and sat down, the wipped out their lightsticks!! ~hahaha,,it was quite amuzing. That was when i realised ive forgotten to bring my bino. But the seats were very good, so i dun need it. They looked at me and i just smile lor...We then started talking but they dunno much English. One of them asked "Is Toshi's English good?". I said "No, only the music is good". They just laugh. Seriously, if Toshi sang the English lyrics wrongly, the Japanese wont realise at all. Think only Yoshiki will realised?
The most happiest thing today is i saw "God" (Yoshiki) up close and personal twice (solo and with drums)..ahhh,can die without regret.
SY, i think if you see the live dvd ,,,u will be Very angry with Toshi. When he was walking the middle extension,,i just tot if i had an egg, i will throw it at him!! He is REALLY A BAD EGG! To think he also have a new photobook ( i dun even bother to look) to cash in,,,im soo angry with him.
Vonnie, dun cry when u see X live...:) Wait i dun dare to burn u a copy,,coz u will cry and cry,, Today they sang Tears,,it was really touching..i tahan my tears lor,,XD This song reminds me of hide. It was really tear jerking when his video clips appears on the screen. T.T. I cant watch this converted dvd on my laptop but it works on dvd player. I will ask my fren to dub it for me coz she she has dvd writer. I hope our dvd player can work.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Father Host recordered successfully!
HE made my day!!
He took the clothes to dry outside now while waiting for the conversion. I offer to help but he said no need, coz it is his weekend job. His wife and kid went Osaka this morning to visit their Grandmother. Father host will do grocery shopping today. He isnt the typical Japanese man!! He does housework to! What a rare breed! hahaha.
Toshi ...haiz,,dunno wat is he thinking. Initially was really looking forward when they start the concert. After 2 songs,,i sianz liao....his vocal is really bad...
Yoshiki Fainted!~~
Glad to know that Yoshiki is fine now. :) We certainly awaits to see him again tonight.
The overall show wasnt as good as ive expected. Yoshiki smashed his drum sets after the 3rd track, which i find it dramatic coz the concert isnt warm up yet. Toshi had a coarse voice when he first greets the crowd. I was shocked...coz it means bad vocal. Im disappointed by his bad vocal. At some rock tracks, his vocal was being camoflage by the music. When he talked, certain parts went off key too..Zzz zzzzzzzz
The concert starts at 8.45pm and ended at 10.48pm. It was a 2hr show. Door opens at 630pm and it was drizzling outside. Everyone was packed like a sardine waiting to go in.
hide was being respected in almost every track. They played alot of his scenes from previous live. The most touching part was when they sang Without You. The video showed their happier times during the 80 - 90's. It was really a contrast coz i feel they dont have much co-ordination among themselves last night..
Queued about 1 hr for the tour goods. Started to queue at 11.30am..there were soooooooooo many ppl. The Yoshiki goods were super ex. There were 2 necklace and each was Y20,000. His "ugly" (his face is in front of the tee and the pic is nowhere nice) is Y4500 and keitai strap is Y3500. Siao boh.. Lucikly hide's goods is normal price. Didnt buy Heath and Pata items coz they dont look nice either.
My seat for tonight will be nearer to the 3rd extension on the left side of the stage. At Arena, you do need not the binoculars coz you can see them quite clearly. Heath is getting more handsome and it makes me wonder why jrockers never age? (Sugizo too)
Overall, it was below my expectation. Hope tonight's show is much better. Maybe my expectation was too high..
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The wait is finally here!!~~~
Yesterday managed to find some mags at some bookstore, so can test to sell here. The Vrock mag was sold!~
Yday was a milestone for me coz i took and change trains without any error. It was a smooth journey. Too bad, when i came home, it is still the rush hour - 8pm coz there were still many ppl.
Im very happy to spot the X-Japan truck and there were no fans around,,hahaha,,so i can have the truck to myself,,XD
Yes Christine, it is good to be a fan girl once a while,,hahaha. Not familiar with flickr,,,so, guess there might be some hung-ups?
Will leave the house at 10am, will reach the venue at 11am...kiasu. i will bring a haversack + a foldable shoulder bag coz will be buying quite a number of tour goods,,XD. And not forgetting to bring my bino + camera (think they will confiscate and return it to me after the concert).
Tiring day!~~
Last night before i sleep, i felt like a fan girl coz Father host said he can record the X-Japan live,,hahaha. Tml i'll be busy at the concert, he will be busy at home to see if the recording is successful. Hope have good news~~
Will update tml morning coz its almost 2am now...ZZzzzzz
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
X-Japan seating summary + GREAT NEWS!
Main site:
Gate 20
A-3 block
Gate 20
B-13 block ( a little nearer to centre of stage)
Gate 23
I dun understand the seating coz it is does not state Arena. It is the 3 xx (it is the character on the left of 1st row's G37) i dun have hiragana software). So, i hope it is first row?! It must be my wishing thinking... If it is true, will throw away my binoculars...It shall be my happiest moment alive!~
Also, a SUPER DUPER GREAT DISCOVERY THIS EVENING!! After dinner, Masashi-san said " you may watch cnn or cnbc news coz we have cable channels. So, he taught me how to use the 3 controllers (@_@"). He was flipping the channels and i spotted this WOWOW channel. It was stated in X-Japan's site saying there is a live telecast (?!) of 3/28 concert.
It states X-Japan live = 1830 - 00:00 on the WOWOW Channel!! So, i asked Masashi-san if he can record it. He said "Yes, i can record it in my vcr and transfer/compress it into dvd for you."
My eyes immediately lit up when i heard that. BUT he said he never tried recording before, so if he cannot fulfill my wish, he is very sorry. I said it is ok coz i understand he do his best. So, he went to pre-set the timer for recording. I AM SOOO HAPPY if he is able to record it. Vonnie and SY, will burn ur an exclusive copy when im back,XD!!~
My host's English is basic but my friend's mother's English is the best among them coz she is a junior high school teacher. Father host (Masashi-san) learns English once a week at his company. So, he has improved alot despite his sentence is mixture of japanese and English. It can be understood though. He always apologise..i feel sooo embarrased.
Today, he helped me filled up the Reserved seat form for bullet train to Toyama on 4/1. He searched the JR train site real hard!!~ It was really hardwork for him. After that, he gave me a clear file folder to put all the directions/papers. He also fixed up my handy phone and internet connection. Now, he will try to record from the cable tv too. I'm million times to him. Mother host prefers cooking only. So, only left Father host to help me.
Ah,,,,heven is soooooooo kind to soooooooooo grateful beyond words!!!~It will be such a priceless trip!~ Esp if the 3/30 seat is on the 1st row. Im feeling greedy now,,dreaming to shake hands with Yoshiki XD (daydream again)
Not going to Shibuya tml, will go Tokyo Dome. Coz remembered a LS mentioned before that LS tour goods already start to sell on the eve of the, tml is the eve of concert..must be kiasu..hahah. if there's nothing happening there, then will go Shibuya.
After the supermarket, didnt go out,,so no new pics.... It's really interested to see the real Japan, esp in ulu neighbourhoods. It's really how they live. There's a programme on tv about 2 J-gals being a single mom. One was 15 and the other was 19. Mother host translated everything for me. First girl was a victim of domestic violence by her husband, so she left him. Now, she works day time and study part time. All her daughter's cost was paid for by her mother. So, she wants to get some qualification and find a better job.
The other girl now lives with another man. She is mother of 2 daughters at the age of 19! They lived in a very small place. She had to squat on the floor to mix chicken with flour and on the newspaper some more!
Oh yes, saw the new Gasby ad. It is the latest version. kimura was dancing in between 2 usual, it was funny!~ Another ad was promoting a brand of potato chip. One teacher was marking his students work while eating the chips. He also talked to the chip while marking. Suddenly, the principle appeared in front of him and he was jumped up from his seat. The ad ends with tat potato chip's packaging,,,lolz...i told Mother host Japanese ads are more fun to watch than the J-dramas..hahhaaha.
Ah,,free will,,they have bad reputation....
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Spring time + Great seat!~
Beautiful strawberries. Per punnet is only Y298 (about 20pcs). soo cheap!~ Im surprise by its price coz in Singapore, Japanese strawberries are super ex. Friend's mum bought some. It was so beautiful tat i must take a pic before i eat.
In front of the sofa (on the floor) is a super big LCD tv. Masako-san said her husband paid alot for it. It's a Sony.
Just received my 3/30 tickets!~ Finally, the seat for last show is excellent. It is Gate 23, facing the stage!!~ YAY~!! Now awaits for the 3/29 tickets,,XD
My keitai was fixed by Masashi-san last nite. He also fixed the internet cable in my room. Using the internet in my room made me feel soo isolate. So, i use it at the usual place, the dining room. He was soo apologetic coz he had a hard time figuring out the cable lines. I felt soo paiseh..
Tomorrow will go to Harajuku and Shibuya area.
just now so silly
Now staying with my friend's parents at Chiba. Last Sat emailed them to ask which day wld be good for me to visit them,,instead, the reply saying it is better to stay with them rather than ikebukuro coz it is unsafe (?!). So, i went to cancel the Ikebukuro place. Heng only had to pay S$38 for the no-show penalty and get back about S$550. Will pay half of it to my friend's parents and half is for my transport fees fm Chiba to Shibuya etc as only partial is covered by JR pass. My friend Aya married last Nov,so now only left her brother and parents at home. They are all out on weekdays. Her father Masashi-san is a very hospitable man. He called at 5pm to ask his wife Masako-san if i had arrived their house safely. He mentioned in email saying "pls use house freely like your own house". It was very kind of him. Now, im using my laptop with some "Angel's wireless". (My host uses cable line).
Their wooden floor and stairs are very cold. Today at the airport, it is soo hot and humid. The custom clearence was 1hr's wait,,omg. And im carrying a haversak back and a hand held small trolley..soo heavy!~ Heng,i used the luggage delivery service to transfer my main big luggage to my host house. It is about S$25, so it is affordable. From train station to my host house needs 15mins walk and crossing of a few roads + some slopes. Cant imagine i lugged all these items and walk...
Had miso soup with potato, steamed mini squids and seafood salad for dinner. It was cooked my Masako-san. I cooked my otah which was frozen all the way here, wrapped in newspapers and hid among my hand held bag of clothes..lolz. Glad the custom didnt ask me to open any bags.
The keitai i dunno hw to activate despite got all the instructions from my fren. Dunno i stupid or, emailed my sis to tell her ive arrived safely..later will ask Masashi-san. Today he has English classes, so he will be back late, around 11pm. Nvm,let him rest ba,,tml den ask also can. He enjoys learning English too, just like my friend Ayako. Masako-san's English is the best. Only Kenta (Aya's bro) dun like English. He only know my name, say hai, yes, ok, no to me..lolz. He loves to eat natto (fermented beans?), is a drummer, 2nd year U student and loves computer games. Just saw him. He is fitter but he said "i am fat"..XD
The excess baggage charge for per kg is S$32!~ OMG,,my luggage was overweight, so i took my jeans and some gifts and transferred it to my haversack. My laptop was also in my haversak. can just imagine hw heavy my haversack was? Layed it on the floor at the custom clearence just now and moved it by hand rather than carry it on my back.
Now, the window seats cannot be choosen for free. It cost S$25 per seat. Hmm, missed the days when it was free..lolz.
Mashashi-san is home. He said i can use internet in my room instead in the living room. XD. Wah,,so good de lor!! ~ Really it is better than the guesthouse!!~~
Going to talk to him liao~~
Saturday, March 22, 2008
New Discovery today~!~
He: He no longer serves this area, he got transferred to West Coast. Now, Singpost no longer hire full-timers, so we are under contract basis (part-timers).
Me: Oh,, ok.
It kept me ponder for a while after he left. Singpost no longer want to pay the benefits for permanent staffs. The uncle told me before that after they served 30yrs (something like that), they can get a lump sum payout. Singpost's new policy is very much like our government's, who wants us to buy annualties so we can take care of ourselves when we are old. They dont want to pay for us. Reminds me of the book by Donald Trump + Robert Kiyosaki "Why we want you to be rich". It touches on this subject too. It says the biggest mistake most individual make is the "Entitlement Mentality". They think it is the government/company 's job to take care of them. Time has change..
Went to the post office to mail some stuffs and shopped some gifts for my Japanese friends. Bought bak kwa, cookies etc. Will hand carry all these food stuffs in a baggage coz if put in the suitcase, it will crash big time.
Managed to get a ticket for a Ayumi show on 4/6 yoyogi show. It is a level 2 seat. Hope it is facing the stage... This is my first pop concert,,hahah,,i wonder hw it is like..
Hope to go to LM.C's tour venue on 3/28 at Shibuya AX before i go to Tokyo Dome. It's been such a long wait to find their tour goods.
I shld be grateful for being able to get into the X concert and not grumple sooo much.. im lucky not to be seating at the back of the stage. As the saying goes, the grass is greener on the other side. Who knows, if i get a back seat facing the stage, i would want a seat nearer to the stage. Bad Chwa!~
Discovered a new place today. It is Takayama:
Im particularly interested in their Old houses and Folk Village. Will plan to go.,,
No eyes to see my schedule. It is choppy and half filled only. That explains my headache. Last night took a pocket size notebook and copy down the steps/directions of transportations and their timings to all the places i want to go.
I have to wake up at 5-6am most times if im travelling to other perfectures. Each journey is at least 2.5hrs. I dont want to reach the destination in the afternoon, so i gotta go as early as possible. Zzzzz
Hey Christine, sorry to hear about your squabbles with ur bro again. Such fights are common among siblings, so pls do not take it to heart.
Wow,,,u actually ohh and ahhh over the choker for 10 mins? When i saw the choker, i immediately tot of you. So, i ordered it to give u a nice and early surprise. Kinda worried it cant reach you on time coz there was no exact date on when the GC items will be released.
Im so envious of Voni,,she had a chance to hug all members of MUCC!!~~ OMG!!~
Im trying to get Glay's ticket as well. The results will be out on 3/24...keeping my fingers crossed.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wow, you got Karyu's autograph on ur ipod~~~ cooL!~~ I cant open the imagshack links though. Only can see the autograph session.
Im happy to hear you have made up with ur brother. Glad all is well now. Pls take good care of yourself. You must have been very busy lately to lost 2lbs!~~
Been having headaches for the past 3 days each morning when i woke up,,i think it is the pre-trip nervous coz i dont know what to expect XD.
The X-Japan tour goods list is out:
It is interesting that the main X site has a countdown to the concert day:
From my seat, dont think i will see the drum sets. I shld be seeing the stage for the drums instead. The drum sets have its own stage. Hope 1'll have a better seating for the next 2 shows. I prefer the center view and dont mind to sit further from the stage. Sit at the sides, got bino also no use...only can see their back. im soo grumpy...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
3/28 seatings!!~~
It is Arena A-3 (Gate 20, left), quite front but very corner.
Realised in front of the A columns, there are 2 rows of 1st seatings. Think it is the VIP seats. Scully sees Hyde, Teru, Ruki, Diru, Ryuichi etc *daydreams*
I think from my location, can only see the drum sets .. nvm lar,,it is Yoshiki. Shall stare at him with my binocular..kekeke. Besides him, i want to see Pata and passion for Toshi kinda fades..
Hope dun have those lightings and speakers blocking the sides. Last time Ah Xing said some fan's seatings have pillars blocking their view at gaze's live at budokan. He is thankful his seatings has clear view. I scared leh,,,,
Vonnie, if can auction life, also good,,can try out ppl's life. If Ruki auctions his life, u dont wish to try meh? However, it is temporary lah. Tat Aussie guy;s life is being auctioned for 2 weeks only. after that, he became normal again. Oh yes, ur gaze photos coming this Sat, Sun wat shift r u?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yen ...T.T
The US economy is in a very bad shape now and it triggles panics in worldwide's financial markets. It is time they wake up and stop being a debtor country. They had to borrow billions to finance their own economy and the war in Iraq. Got no $$ to pay out pension plans..Zzzzz
Last few days Bush still said "our country has strong fundamentals and our economy will bounced back stronger than before, just like 9-11". Is he sleeping? 9-11 dont need the US to pour so much $$$ into the financial system. It is a temp concussion. Now, the Federal government and FED is busy printing the $$$ to sustain the economy and bailing out near bankrupt banks. The more money they print, the more the US$ DEPRECIATES because these money have little value as they flood the market. No matter what the US government or Fed does now, it has very little effect to uplift the economy.
I feel sorry and angry for the poor and middle class Americans. Reading Bush's comments makes me pissed. I think now he just hope to faster finish his term at the end of this year and pass the messes to whoever who is taking over.
Cut rates again...
Yday saw a news report that an Indonesian mother, along with her 3 kids died of hungry coz they cannot afford it due to high inflation. They starved for 3 days before they die. It was so saddening. Arent we fortunate not having to worry about food? Time for some reflection...
Being lazy these days,,thinking hw can i minimise my lugguage. I hope to bring as minimal as possible..
Had found out today that the trip from Tokyo to Toyama for the Gazette's concert needs to change to a train in the middle. From the middle (some ulu train station) to Toyama station, it will cost me Y6000 for one way coz it is not under JR line. So, return trip will cost me Y12000 for a Y45oo concert??? Not adding my 2 nites hotel stay there??!!~ Bu shi ba? So, i have no choice but to inform my friend to sell away the 4/1 concert ticket. This journey will take about 4hrs. Sigh, this is such a nice place but tooo bad,,tooo expensive for me to go there,,,not forgetting the super ex Yen now. I havent change my money yet coz praying hard the Japan Finance minister will stabalise Yen soon (they mentioned about this on Sat). If it comes true, Yen will depreciate lower.
I hope to go to the 4/2 for the GazettE's Nagoya concert. It takes less than 2hrs from Tokyo and dont need to change train. Im asking my friend if this route can use JR pass. If yes, she will go and find the ticket.
Today a tohoshinki customer pre-ordered some toho's tour goods thru us. She said got many ppl selling it at forums but she still prefer to order thru VS. It is because she trust us. It was such a nice compliment.
Now im worried about the X tickets. The guesthouse said if the mail went missing, they are not responsible. Stupid rite??! Today met a customer and she said for such mails, can request for special courier svs and ask them to come at specific timings like 1-3pm. Like that, i dont need to stay at that place to wait the whole day. Had asked my friend to check if nearby her house got such courier svs?
Received my J-phone and the phone number last sat. My friend is so nice, she set everything in English and translated the instructions to English on how to register via phone to activate the pre-paid card when i reach the airport. Their pre-paid card is like a namecard with codes, not like ours, which need to insert the SIM card. The packaging is so eco-friendly~~ The phone (Sharp) is very similar to Sony Ericsson phones. It has email function,,i will test it out when im there,,lolz... like tat good, dun need to bring laptop everywhere.
Had cancelled one night of temple stay. Actually booked 2 nites at 2 diff temples but decided to save the 1 night's lodging and go to the Sado Island (off Niigata) instead. Will stay here for one night. It is located at a mountain top and heard it's sunset is very beautiful.
This week will feed myself with lots of fruits coz i think i will get flu when im there. It is less that 20degrees. So, must beef up my vitamin C and immune system.
Friday, March 14, 2008
X-Japan's tickets..Late!!!!
I dont like to do it such way coz im afraid the mail might gone missing. Not sure if they have a reception or something near the door? If the postman drop it into their mailbox and they long time they didnt go open it? den i die le,,, i have to stay in the house/mailbox or entrace area on 3/26 and wait for the postman until he comes?! Tot to go shop and walk near the neighbourhood..but cant,,for the sake of X, so it is ok.
Had emailed the guesthouse to enquire about it. Btw, one of the house manager will go to the Ikebukuro station to wait for me. He looks like a typical J-guy, quite cute.
The first guy, his name is Kenta.
The X concert organisers are soooooooooooo afraid of ppl selling the tickets if they release it earlier,,so, they shortened the release date to 1 week instead of 2 weeks,,,Zzzzzzz I think the touts biz would be good at the venue? Scully got spy to catch them? Coz the organisers are very careful.
Things would be easier if my friends are going for the 3/28 but they are not coz need to work. It would be too late if they come to Tokyo fm Osaka after work. Her boss dont allow her to take leave,,Zzzz Another one can make it only on the 3.30..sigh
Hope i receive my tickets safe and sound.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
So Beautiful!~
Didnt know Peru is such a beautiful country... i admire this photographer. He spent 25 years travelling around the world just to take pics of beautiful landscapes. He must be living in his dream.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Anime Convention!~
This site's banner promotes X-Japan concert too..coz the Anime convention and X concert falls on the same day. Perhaps overseas tourist like X too? Hope soo..
didnt chiong concerts,,just see who is having tour and shun bian go.. also want to watch a lady called Maki Ohguro. She has a powerful vocal..but toooo far for me,,sianz,,,, And Hirai Ken's tour only start in May,,haiz...
Glay concert
Glay's concert - 4/23 (the eve before i depart)
Glay concert is go there kai yan jie coz they always have such BIG capacity. So, must go feel it. Their songs are too commercialise for my taste.
Hope to go to B'z Live BUT the travelling will take me 6hrs,,i think after the concert, it will be late (8pm) and i have to take the feder train (1.5hrs) to JR Nagoya then 1.5hrs to JR Shinjuku. Wah, i think the darkness makes me panic. It is Really no joke in figuring out their train lines, except when you are in the JR Yamanote loop. Any place outside this loop is a nightmare.
Actually went to find Ayumi's concert tickets last weekend but all soo ex..above Y10,000. so it is way beyond my budget. For Koda Kumi, her live venue is sooo out in terms of venue. Like when im in Tokyo, she has live in Kobe...wah,imagine to and fro takes a total of 6hrs? I think after her concert, no more bullet train to tokyo le,,,i dont want to spend $ to stay there for a night...
Just now got a customer wants to buy Kat-tun, Tohoshinki and News concert ticket for May. Johnny's concert ticket prices are nightmares...minimum price is S$700 per ticket. So, had informed the girl, if she has this budget, then Maybe can still find...Maybe only coz the japanese pays for than this.
Vonnie, you are right. For the jrock shop, being able break-even a big issue. Oh yah, must have buffer funds too, just in case things not yet sold, the bills come liao!!~ Yes, a cafe is a good idea for jrock fans. Running a cafe is expensive too. I think F & B is a tedious area coz of long hours and in kitchen?! Retail is long hours but no a retail person,,XD Maybe will ask my j friend to come to Singapore to demostrate how to do a proper cosplay (She cosplays) and collect seminar fees from the mei meis,,lolz,,,ahahahah
You dont be moody ok? Lately, the weather made me feel my flu is coming back. Went ntuc to find grapefruits but all so ugly one. In the end, bought dragon fruits. It is rich in fibre.
Last time had a fantasy. If open the jrock shop, will ask the GazettE to be the guest for the opening ceremony. My fren said "siao arh!". Aiyah, fantasy no harm wat. Scully 1 fine day i have US$1 million? then., this will no longer be a dream..hahaha. If i really have this amout, would invite Yoshiki-SAMA.
Jamming studio with cafe
Then he ask abt my dream. Dunno why but i told him i still hope to open a jrock shop in Singapore. Told him about my concept and he said "wah,,i know hw to draw the "X" logo". I plan to put up that logo behind the cashier counter (the panel would be made of wood, painted black, with columns where i can insert acrylic shelfs by the sides). The shop would be in black and only the cashier counter is red. All cabinets would be made of glass, except the mag shelf (black waterfall shelf). There will also be a big LCD tv near the door, facing outwards, so fans can watch the tv outside and ppl who wants to shop can listen to the music inside. Also will have a mini section on cosmetics fm japan, those Gackt's hair gel (today someone asked for it), cosplay powders, contact lenses etc. All your cosplay needs XD
There will also be a special cabinet dedicated to X. These items are my personal collection, so it is not for sale. Hmm, den i must import Yoshiki wine and curry,,lolz.... and also watever hide plushies i can find...XD.
I think need SGD$100,000 for this shop..that is a conservative budget. If i want to sell those H,naoto, sexpot, putumayo clothings and VW accessories + double decker shoes..wah,,maybe need more than that.
Y is soo bad coz he said "if u sell all these branded items, your entrance must put "no money dont come in". Pls lah, I told him dun have $ still can come and enjoy the ambience. Afterall, Jrock is like a form of art to me. I would be happy if ppl enjoy the ambience. The manniquin will wear only the brands that i intend to sell. If got more budget, i will put the manniquin with moite (Mana) dress.
I remembered seeing a jrock shop in HK 7 years ago. That is the concept i would like to establish. Tat shop has an item tat i cannot afford. It is a SGD$300+ X japan old photobook. They had a wall full of X-Japan and hide's newspaper cuttings. Cool rite?? But they do not allow me to take pictures...
For the SGD$100,000. i think will take me 5 years.....hmm,,i shall work hard for it.
Hey Christine, i dont remember the girl who is a "hypocrite". Guess now when she sees her Hersy FC card, she wont think we are a bad site!!~ Come to think of it, such ppl do make the world a fun place. If not, everyone would be identical. How boring the world would be... Thats how i use to console myself when i meet mean or idiotic ppl.
"the Mother" cannot pay..she asked for me time while she waits for ppl (dunno who) to send her $. So, gave her the dateline till 31st march. Force her also no least, she is sincere in raising the $.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Jyofuku-in (high tech temple)
There are three grade.9500 yen / 11000yen / 13000yen.(Including tax)10 % discount when reserving it by the Internet.
Eko in
Koya-san main site
Dunno if i can wake up at 6am?~~ Also wonder if the vegetarian food is fulfilling? Coz such meals barely filled my stomach...Ive had such an experience during one of my trip where i ate such set meals at a friend's house. For the whole night i cant sleep coz i was toooo hungry! Just hope i dont make a fool out of myself. I think i would be scared at night... haiz... Im supposed to be calm so i can blend with the tranquil surroundings.
Another interesting place ive spotted:
Shiseido Cosmetic Garden [C] OmotesandoDescription : A showroom featuring Shiseido's cosmetic products. You can refer to monitors for guidance on technique as you explore the product range. Specialist staff are on hand to offer further advice.
Open : 11:00 - 19:30Close : Every Monday, second TuesdayContact : 03-5474-1534 (Japanese)
Address : 1F, Harajuku Piaza Bldg., 4-26-18 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, TokyoAccess : About 7 min. walk from Omotesando Sta. on Subway Ginza Line
im not a cosmetic person but i like to see their cosmetic showcases and brochures. Cosmetic biz is as big as their gadgets/manga industry..think was worth US$2billion or something.
SY, not sure what are the price range for punk clothes in Korea,,,so i think better dont take this risk,,,Christine, all the best to you for your lucky draw!~~ You are soo hardworking, always mentioned "im going to do my homework now". It's good that you are such a self-discipline person!~ Your parents must be very strict with with you during your growing up years?! I remembered you said once that your dad even brought the modem to work, just to prevent you from going online,XD
Vonnie, nice pics you have put up. The MusiQ mag will be here tml~~
Lately it has been raining and being quite cold. im worried i might get flu again,,so today ate an apple and an orange... Kia si,,,,
yesterday told a regular customer tat our blog wld be closed from end march onwards,,till end april. her reactions was 'wah, den whole of april cannot find you how? den how to do special order". Had to informed her to wait.,, She likes to order from putumayo,,,, had rejected a few special orders where the goods are released in early to mid april..hmm,our customers will wait ba~~
"the Mother" like MIA,,didnt hear from her liao,,,her dateline is next friday~~~hope she dun go missing,,,
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Temple Lodging sites in Engrish!!~
She has also found this, while i was busy searching for Japanese sites for temple lodgings. There are summary on each temple in English. Some priest can speak English too and also conducts the sermons in English..So interesting!
My friend is very hardworking to help me find out and arrange many things i need for my trip. I am very greatly indebted to her.
SY, noted about your suggestions for the Harajuku dorm. Ive just discovered that JR Ikebukuro has direct bus to and fro the airport, so i need not climb the stairs of JR Ikebukuro station with my lugguage..phew!~ the Ikebukuro dorm is near a busy street while Harajuku dorm is a little far from the station and quite quiet. I think i'll go out early daily and come back late at night,,so Ikebukuro seems safer?! No worries about many ppl in the Ikebukuro house,,,dont think i'll hve much chance to meet them coz im always outside.
Thanks for your kind thoughts of offering to buy some Korean stuffs and accessories. im not sure which korean artists are good, except for Tohoshinki. Moreover, i cant tell between official and unofficial goods (their fans dont really collect unofficial stuffs). Perhaps you can buy some punk/rock clothings from Korea? I believe their quality is equivilant to Taiwanese ones. Btw, when is your family's Korea trip?
Just now typed alot but all gone,,so, im not going to highlight anything anymore. will leave it as it is. It is really frustrating to have to retype it again,,,
So far had planned the first 10days of my seems so overwhelming and i feel like a hurried traveller. Maybe im too used to hurried life. If i slow down, i would feel guilty and unproductive...
Today received 2 funny emails. One said"i had a big fever to ask you" and the other's header was "Urgent! Help!". the first one was a spelling error. It should be "favour". The other was bidding some items at yahoo japan but we dont do auctions. Coincidently, so one had "fever" and the other had "Emergency"..lolz. Our customers are funny!~~
dilemma- place to stay?!
ive just entered to win some special seats at the upcoming show that i am going to alone, if i win, the prize is two tickets...i have no one to take with me :(. i find out on the 12th. i am very nervous that if they pick up my entry, they will see my very long e-mail and not want to use it and pick another winner instead x_X. they said they will also call by phone though
Hey Christine, all the best for your lucky draw. Come on, dont be a pessimist,,must have confidence.
You are right, i think Caiko is very much like me,,we can do things alone. Perhaps you are young, so you are not used to being solo ^^
Smsed LP during lunch just now to see if she got back her S$200 deposit with that uncle.
LP: Havent get back
Me: ok. Btw, how to have monthly statement from the passbook?
LP: Must every month have minimum SGD$3000 inside, for at least x 3 months (SGD$9000) before can go apply for visa. (thought her father has so she can ask her father to act as her Guarantor?! Thought she had asked her father to email her all the scans of his passbook and bank book? It is like suddenly gone silence...)
Me: oh, ok.
Dunno why she havent take back her $. She said on Monday she will be taking it back on Tuesday (yesterday). Being passive again? Not enthu for her own issues at being busybody here...
Now got a big dilemma. It's my lodging. Each has about the same facilities except their location is different.
Single Room
Y58,000/mth - 15mins train from town (ikebukuro). Includes shower fees (Y100 for 8mins - i take more than this!), transit train fare to this house from town.
Dorm (share room with another 3 ladies)
Y50400/mth - 15mins walk from Harajuku - all things included. I have JR pass, so need not additional transport $.
The harajuku dorm has a better location and is cheaper but i wonder who my room mates are..his house is a ladies house. Also, i will be in Osaka for 1 week, so this space will be vacant but im still paying for it. If i rent the Room, im paying for more expensive daily rental when im away.
Just spotted this Dorm (share room with another 3 ladies)
Y43400 - 10mins walk from Ikebukuro - all things included. Shorter walking distance from station. This branch is like more spacious??
Oh yes, these Dorms has strange billing system. The rental rate is the same whether 1 or 2 person rents it. Strange rite??? Any one want to share?!
My mum says selfish ppl like me is more suitable for single room. Think she is annoyed by my complaints about my fren when i chat with my sister-in-law.
Last Sunday saw a Taiwanese food programme and they were recommending Nagoya snacks. They have Miso amazing..lolz. I think i will be a bento person when im there...coz need to walk alot. Eat rice is the best.,.next is fast food...
Will only pack my luggage half full coz my friend said Ikebukuro station (if im renting the room), they dont have escalators!! I dont remember this station coz i went there once (Sunshine city). I plan to bring only 5 sets of clothes. Dread heavy luggage..have to bring 2 sweaters too coz it is still quite cold there despite its Spring time. Im a tropical animal...
Just received an sms from a customer. who is supposed to collect his Hideaki Tokunaga (he has a superb vocal!) live dvd this Sat. He smsed "it is ok, i am not in a hurry to collect. You may watch it first, i can collect it any time next week or you can leave at my friend's shop (in town)."
Me: Oh, thanks for your kind thoughts. I will watch if i have the time. If not, this Sat, will pass to your friend
He: It's ok, you can watch it first. You can pass to my friend anytime (he is soo persistent)
Me: Ok, will watch if time permits..thank you for your kind thoughts.
I dont have the habit of opening customer's items (no matter how close they are with me) coz i feel it is a basic courtesy to hand them the items brand new. He is the 2nd customer who offered me to watch the dvd. Previously, another girl (Luna Sea fan) also told me the same thing. I didnt watch.. Moreover, i am worried if i accidentally scratched their dvd or something. You'll never know what your machine will do to the dvds or cds. XD Nonetheless, it is their kind thoughts that counts. I have appreciated it!~~
Monday, March 3, 2008
Places i hope to visit
Temple lodgings- i will go for it (2 nites coz i read at some forums and ppl said one nite is too short)
Sado-ga-shima Island - Niigato's ski sites are so amazingly beautiful, so are it's nearby snow covered mountains.
Gald to know you had a good sleep Christine. Yes, for Single room, it is more expensive coz there is no one to share with you. But thank goodness, i save S$200 on the air tickets. Lately, yen is getting very im holding my breath that it will decline soon~~
Vonnie, the Stacked rubbish bandscore has 225p and close to 1.5cm thick,,,seems like alot of goodies inside!!~ Ordered liao~
im lucky?!
last nite had a sudden thought to browse the site and bingo!~ They had an air ticket NATAS promotion and all air tickets are on SALE!!~ Promotion ends 5th March!~ So, called them first thing this morning and book my air tickets. I saved S$200!!!!!~ Luckily didnt buy last week. Now it is S$775. Last week was S$975!~ PHEW!!
This morning, tot of another idea to save $$. Emailed my j friends if they had any spare phones. Den i only buy the pre-paid card. Cheapo i know,,,but save $$ mah...if not, i had to rent for 1 month either at narita airport or from our local telcom company. vonnie, do u know the rates or yours is auto-roam?
The Tatami house and the U-en Osaka house replied me today. They have vacancies of single room for me..PHEW!! I will need to pay more for single room though,,but den, it saves me the headache to babysit my friend if she goes with me. I think im selfish or freedom lover?!!~ Hmm..
I think im nervous about this trip that's why i had weird dreams... my friend cannot cancel the bus ticket coz the lines cant get thru,,,oh well, she said she will call everyday..lolz..else, i will lost Y8000 for the 2 way bus fare for the Toyama trip. I actually spend more than the concert ticket...Y10k for 2 nite's hotel and Y8000 for bus fare..Y18k..for a Y5000 concert. Still, it is worth it coz it is Gazette and moreover, Toyama has many natural wonders. They have a village called Hida Folk village which is part of the World Preserve Heritage.
Hope you are sleeping well now Chirstine ^^. To Caiko & Voni, thank you for your kind concern.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
LP's visa was not approved
LP: Then you ask your sister to go with you lah
Me: Nah, she said she April cannot take leave liao,,so it is ok, i can go myself. The uncle now is with you?
LP: Yes, but tomorrow i go back to that uncle's agency to take back my S$200 deposit
Me: Ok. (silent thinking) You think i like you need people to accompany? Go alone wont die lah.
Ive listed her X tickets for sale...mai tu liao!~ Hope there are some enthusiastic fans out there who appreciates the tickets more than her.
Had also asked my j friend to cancel all the hotels and bus trips and change it to 1 person. I've emailed to ask the Tatami guesthouse and the U-en house to change all to Single room. Hope they still have vacancies.
On friday nite, i dreamt LP cannot go. The settings is at the airport's check in counter. While i hand over my ticket and passport to the counter staff, LP came by and whisper to me that her visa is not approved. I just said "ok" and continue to process my check-in. Then, when i reach Narita airport,,i opened my wallet and only had Y20,000 inside! Gosh, i forgotten to change Yen!!! So, i quickly find an internet cafe and wrote to my sister to ask her to send Yen to me or something. After that, i was chasing the Shinkansen (i was in Osaka,,dunno why im there),,coz they dun have any seats left for the Tokyo bound trip..which means, i cannot go to Tokyo Dome on time!~~It was such a frightening dream!
I am relieved that i can arrange my intinerary now.
Oh, havent sell my gazette's 4/1 ticket,,,haiz,,tat place soo ulu,,who will want to go? I send it back to japan to ask my fren sell at their auction ba... Btw, gaze tour goods like very little and how come no tour pamphlet?! The T-shirt so colourful,quite strange for them to have a colourful tee (summer mood?). Vonnie, if u spotted the tour goods pic..pls update me..i know u wld be lurking at LJ,,kekeke..btw, u want to order the bandscore izzit? I havent order for u yet,,,pls confirm~
Warren Buffet Annual Letter to Investors on Friday.
Spotted this interesting article.
Warren Buffet Annual Letter to Investors on Friday.
Always enjoyed reading what this Guru of Investments has to say. You can tell where the US economy is heading, which in turn affects the whole world.
Hmm,,must find some Brazil funds. Gold fund and oil/resources funds reaps alot of $$$ lately because the US$ is continuing to decline~ Too bad, India and China funds are sleeping now (deficits)..wonder when they will be awake??!~
Christine, this is why your school mate said his Euro has doubled coz the US$ value has continued to tumble again. Cant help but to feel the pinch for the middle class Americans. They have to work doubly hard now coz for the same amount, they can purchase lesser goods. Hope you are feeling much better now. It is quite a shock that your brother cuts off your credit line without giving you any notice.