Sunday, March 2, 2008

Warren Buffet Annual Letter to Investors on Friday.

Was happily typing and ended up losing all the wordings after i overshot in highlighting the fonts..sianz,,,too tired to retype again.

Spotted this interesting article.

Warren Buffet Annual Letter to Investors on Friday.

Always enjoyed reading what this Guru of Investments has to say. You can tell where the US economy is heading, which in turn affects the whole world.

Hmm,,must find some Brazil funds. Gold fund and oil/resources funds reaps alot of $$$ lately because the US$ is continuing to decline~ Too bad, India and China funds are sleeping now (deficits)..wonder when they will be awake??!~

Christine, this is why your school mate said his Euro has doubled coz the US$ value has continued to tumble again. Cant help but to feel the pinch for the middle class Americans. They have to work doubly hard now coz for the same amount, they can purchase lesser goods. Hope you are feeling much better now. It is quite a shock that your brother cuts off your credit line without giving you any notice.

1 comment:

Saga-hime said...

us poor internet users who write a lot x_X. this has happened to me and my friends many times before. we write a lot and something happens and poof x_X.

ah yea, i got to talk to caiko about our not soo great economy at the moment the other day X"D.

it's a really long story. i'll email u back in a bit.

but yea, i'm still not talking to him b/c he actually still believes that he is right, the prick.
