Friday, February 15, 2008

Case close

The mum's reply:

i have no idea why its on address...
but i am always home and never have recived anything..
i dont think they could have used my card since its in my possion and i carry with me at all tims.and what do u mean by closing this case and doing charity for it? i dont understand?

Her reply was "i have no idea" why we have the record of her email and her address. No idea how to reply her because it seems "GHOST must have used her card to buy all the items and have it shipped to her address Without Anyone in the house receiving all items. The Ghost loves Ps Company bands!". Cant imagine if i replied her this. She may feel that her house is haunted. My imagination running wild....i wish i could tell her there Must be some kind of dishonesty among her girls.

Hope it is wat vonnie says, when something is lost, another thing comes..and that is the X-Japan's tickets. The 3rd show's results will be out on the 19th Feb. 4 days to go!!!~

No point getting angry over dishonest people. Wont let it make feel me down and unlucky!

1 comment:

Saga-hime said...

"Hope it is wat vonnie says, when something is lost, another thing comes..and that is the X-Japan's tickets."
i wish it will be that way too.

not the same as my family members say. "when you lose money, it is in exchange of something worse happening. when you lose a lot of money, be thankful because maybe you were supposed to die/be injured" <.<
